Dining With President Trump
A “Standard Operating Procedure” document, recently obtained by Washingtonian, outlined step by step exactly what to do and what to say anytime Trump dined at BLT Prime, the hotel restaurant.As soon as Trump was seated, the server had to “discreetly present” a mini bottle of Purell hand sanitizer. (This applied long before Covid, mind you.) Next, cue dialogue: “Good (time of day) Mr. President. Would you like your Diet Coke with or without ice?” the server was instructed to recite. A polished tray with chilled bottles and highball glasses was already prepared for either response. Directions for pouring the soda were detailed in a process no fewer than seven steps long—and illustrated with four photo exhibits. The beverage had to be opened in front of the germophobe commander in chief, “never beforehand.” The server was to hold a longneck-bottle opener by the lower third of the handle in one hand and the Diet Coke, also by the lower third, in the other. Once poured, the drink had to be placed at the President’s right-hand side.
UNQUOTERules when Dining with President Trump
But really, i wonder how much of this is due to requests of President Trump or were from his assistants who think that this is what he wants?
Any extremely rich or powerful person will really lose touch with "common" people, no matter how much they think otherwise. They often times dont (or pretend not to) realize how "out of touch" they are.
We had a (very) high government official visit Thailand. We had to break down his visit into 15 minute parts, and script what was happening in each 15 minutes. There was also a long list of things we needed to prepare ahead of time - temperature of meeting rooms, how many beverages, transport, etc.
He landed at U-Ta-Pao airport, about 2 hours south of BKK. It is an old Thai air force airport that is now used for mainly some charter flights. Anyway, they opened up the airport specifically for him. (It was pretty cool to watch them turn on all the lights on the inside and on the runways to prepare for arrival.)
But, never had to worry about carrying a suitcase, never had to worry about passport control, never had to stand in line at hotel check in, didn't have to stand on the curb and flag a taxi, didn't have to wait for a table at a restaurant, didn't have to worry about bill at the end of a meal, etc.
Two things:
- Trump has always had a thing about cleanliness. Nothing new there.
- That's an absolute nothing when dealing with celebrities.
It’s possible that most of those instructions don’t come from the president.
I know that on Air Force 1 things are done like that for every president and guest. They have a set of pictures for every area of the plane and they use the pictures to inspect every detail before every flight. This includes the decks of cards and bags of peanuts and seat belts, windows shades, etc.
I assume he had his preferences, but that sort of military precision is not just for him.
I used to work in a little converted farmhouse in Cheshire, and our landlord was the Duke of Westminster. Our company was a bit of a pet project of his, and he would occasionally drop in. He was worth considerably more than DJT claims to be worth, and this is very old money - going back to the crusades. He never pulled any of that shit at all. He would drive himself, even though he had a chauffeur. He would eat sandwiches for lunch
He might have been different away from home, but he seemed oddly down to earth. He owned all the villages in the area, but was almost universally liked, as far as I could tell.