3/5 Screams
Lady, just STFU and have a little class...
What is the "rules" for putting the flag at half staff?
Is it just up to the governor of each state?
Only the president of the United States or the governor of the state may order the flag to be at half-staff to honor the death of a national or state figure. In addition to the traditional half-staff salutes, the United States Flag Code mentions the use of our flag for honoring leading citizens such as Martin Luther King, Jr.
There are occasions when the flag will be lowered for significant figures whom are not U.S. citizens. Examples include: Nelson Mandela in 2013, Pope John Paul II in 2005, King Hussein of Jordan in 1999, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1965, United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold in 1961
Private citizens and non-government buildings may choose to fly their flags at half-staff to honor more local leaders. The Flag Code does not exclude any citizen, whether belonging to an organization or not, whether they are recognized very locally or regionally. Examples of deceased citizens who might be honored with by lowering the flag to half-staff include local religious leaders, youth leaders, honored teachers or sports coaches, local politicians, or a local hero. There need be no authorization from the government for the private sector (non-government) to use the Flag to honor any citizen.
It is important to note that the Flag Code is a code, it is intended to provide guidance and is not obligatory. It carries no civil or criminal penalties for "misuse" of the Flag. Individuals are not acting illegally when using the flag according to their own rules. The Flag Code is only required to be followed on public or government buildings.
They seem to fly the flag at half staff here in town every time a retired police officer or firefighter passes on to the great pension office in the sky. My daughter and I play a little game on the way to school - 'Who's snuffed it this week?'.
Imagine if car dealerships flew at half-staff - that would be a hell of a job cranking those babies up and down!