For those who got vaccinated, any side effects?
@jodi Why we’re you nervous about Moderna?
@copper said in For those who got vaccinated, any side effects?:
@george-k said in For those who got vaccinated, any side effects?:
I got a bit light-headed. It passed after about 5 seconds and I thought nothing of it.
And then you drove home?
Just like Tiger.
So I read George’s part and thought it said “I passed out after 5 seconds and thought nothing of it.”
@lufins-dad because that one seems to have more reactions/side effects, as I understand it. (Maybe I’m wrong?) And I really really don’t want anything worse than a sore arm and a little fatigue (I get migraines fairly easily these days). I think my arm is going to be pretty sore tomorrow - as it’s already more sore than my flu shot was.
@lufins-dad You may be right. What I wonder if what the difference is (side effect-wise) between those who have had covid and get vaccinated, and those who have not had covid and get vaccinated.