Parents sue Robinhood after 20 year old son committed suicide
“Twenty-year-old Alex Kearns took his own life last June mistakenly believing he'd lost nearly $750,000 in a risky bet on Robinhood, the stock-trading app where he started trading as a teenager.”
That was June 2020, well before the GameStop debacle.
Hm. This was an adult. Provided he was properly educated about the risks of trading derivatives (not just a mouse click on twenty pages of legalese, but a real education on the risks), I don't think the company should be responsible for his death. They can be responsible for reporting wrong numbers, as they seem to have done for a while, but it shouldn't make a difference whether that person was 18 or 48 years old.
@klaus agree. Though As a parent (of a kid who at that age we were supporting in college) I probably would have known more about what he was doing trading/risk wise (as I tend to look at things from the worst case scenario) so we could advise.
Even if he did owe the 750k he could zero it out in bankruptcy and have good credit again in no time.
Also, I doubt any broker is extending that much credit to people with small accounts. It's very likely the account can't pay, but the broker has to cover the loss.