Capitol Invaders to be put on the No Fly List?
@loki said in Capitol Invaders to be put on the No Fly List?:
I fully support no fly for violent Capitol offenders.
Sure once they are convicted of breaking a law that has the no-fly list included on the list of possible sentences.
A list like this:
Choice of Sentences
Judges in most cases have a great deal of discretion when determining a sentence and have several sentencing alternatives from which to choose, from diversion to incarceration. Not every conviction means a trip to prison and alternative sentences can include:
Suspended sentences;
Fines or restitution;
Community service;
Deferred adjudication or pretrial diversion; and
Additionally, there are many different types of sentences. Multiple sentences can be served concurrently (at the same time) or consecutively (one after another), and single sentences could be deferred or suspended based on certain conditions.
As opposed to an ad-hoc lynch mob.
@george-k said in Capitol Invaders to be put on the No Fly List?:
I’ m surprised that the no-fly list method of choosing people to ban has never, afaik, been tested in court. I remember reading something about how capricious it can be with many innocent people being banned.
Yes, we have had several incidences up here in which infants and preschoolers have been barred from flights with their families because their names showed up on our own No Fly list which, I understand, is derived or linked to the US database. I understand though that both governments have been working to correct this problem and changes either have been implemented or will soon be implemented.
@jolly said in Capitol Invaders to be put on the No Fly List?:
I'm old-fashioned, so I think for a citizen to be put on a no-fly list, you should be convicted of something like...domestic terrorism, perhaps?
Anybody who thinks standards should apply is probably the wrong sort of person to be thinking about this.
Wanna see a guy kirk out because he was kicked off a plane for invading the Capitol?
@aqua-letifer said in Capitol Invaders to be put on the No Fly List?:
Wanna see a guy kirk out because he was kicked off a plane for invading the Capitol?
What’s the fewest number of molecules you can make a violin out of?
@jolly said in Capitol Invaders to be put on the No Fly List?:
I'm old-fashioned, so I think for a citizen to be put on a no-fly list, you should be convicted of something like...domestic terrorism, perhaps?
I don't approve of limiting American citizens' right to use public transportation just because you think someone named that might do something.
They haven’t put these guys on a list. It’s just a proposal.
According to a statement from American Airlines, the video was taken on Friday at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The company confirmed that the man in the video was removed from a flight to Denver for refusing to comply with the company's policies requiring face coverings for all passengers over the age of 2.