New Year’s Eve shampoo
Well, I don’t think I’ve ever splurged for Dom Perignon before but we decided this year to drink the best of the best to celebrate finishing the worst of the worst years.
What’s your shampoo?
Btw a gold star to who ever knows the literary reference of calling champagne shampoo?
No googling.
No takers on the gold star I see
Richard Roper, the bad guy in leCarre’s the night manager refers to dom perignon as shampoo
@klaus said in New Year’s Eve shampoo:
I don’t know why but I don’t like the taste of real Champagne much and prefer a cheap $10 sparkling wine over a $80 champagne.
I'd post something pithy about you being tasteless, but you already wear Lycra on the regular.
@aqua-letifer true, I’m a lost cause.