We're lit! (hey, Jodi, Bernard, and all others who make things)
A few weeks ago, I won a coupon thing for $200 at Amazon. Hubby and I had been eyeing a picture light for my widest rug that is a wall hanging in the front parlor. For that size and type of light, getting a couple hundred bucks off the price made it work. I spent that $200 coupon faster than lightening.
We've been mulling over the best way to rehang this rug with the light fixture attached, and this weekend we got it done. It began by building a wooden frame almost as big as the rug, with a crossbar in the middle. Every part of the front of the frame got carpet tack strips nailed to it, with a double row on the top section of the frame. We spray painted it with black lacquer to seal the wood, which can be acidic and not good for the rug, and so the frame would just be a black edge behind the rug, if at all visible.
The light was attached directly to the top of the frame by hubby, and two cup hooks were attached to the top corners. Using wired satin cording and picture rail hooks, it is now hanging on the wall. We have ordered a black cord for the adapter to replace the white one. You'll be seeing it with the white cord, so keep in mind that will get changed.
I am so pleased with this. It makes the room more balanced, and this light is wonderful for showing the colors correctly. It has the correct color range for artwork, and the brightness of the light is adjustable with a small remote control. The light itself is very slim, so it doesn't distract from the piece it illuminates.
We bought enough 1x3s and 1x2s to build frames for two more rugs. I appreciate how this technique holds the rug surface flat, making it look much better. No ripples!
My pictures make the lighting look brighter than it really is. It's much more subtle than this. Bad photos. Hard to get good pics with my phone.
I forgot to mention that Bernard has participated in a rug hooking forum that I frequent, and he loves this rug. He has hooked some beautiful birds in his rugs. He does excellent work, as you would expect from Bernard.
I miss having him here with us. Maybe someday he will pop back in for a visit. I post these things and hope.
I also post these things hoping Jodi and others who are creative will post pics of their works. I love to see their beautiful creations. We have so many creative people here, it's fun to see all they can do, and how they accomplish it. Hearing about the process is fascinating to me.
Jodi -- hint, hint!
Bernard - hint, hint!Who else here creates things? Show us yer stuffs!
@mik said in We're lit!:
What’s not to like?
I was just thinking this weekend, that I should post more about pizza dough recipes we like. I make several different types of crusts.
The most shocking thing I saw this weekend related to pizza is that I got a 5-star review of my pizza sauce on The Spice House website. (Okay, there was only one review, BUT IT WAS 5 FLIPPIN' STARS, FOLKS!!) I say God bless Marjorie for posting that review.
@jodi said in We're lit! (hey, Jodi, Bernard, and all others who make things):
Wow, that looks really great! Love the wallpaper too!
Very talented lady.
Turn a hobby into a small business? Sell a few pieces, but mainly have small classes on how to do this, along with selling accoutrements?
And just thing of all the great names like...mmm... Hooker House, House of Hookers, etc. Not to mention all the great slogans I'm sure we could conjure up for you.
Help us, to help you...
@jodi said in We're lit! (hey, Jodi, Bernard, and all others who make things):
Wow, that looks really great! Love the wallpaper too!
Thanks, Jodi! When do we get to see more of your goodies that are handmade?
BTW, we papered the ceiling in multiple papers, too.
Yes, we are still married. -
@jodi said in We're lit! (hey, Jodi, Bernard, and all others who make things):
Wow, that looks really great! Love the wallpaper too!
Thanks, TG!