Biden’s victory lap
I watched the video with the sound off. It looked to me like his eyes hurt, nothing more.
I guess if you go in expecting to see dementia at play, that is what you are by god going to see. Oh well, turnabout's fair play, I guess; why should Biden escape his detractors anymore than Trump escaped his? After all, what's the welfare of the country compared to the rich, fulfilling satisfaction of sweet, sweet revenge?
@jolly said in Biden’s victory lap:
How many "Doctors" of education could actually walk into a classroom and teach?
Precious few, I'm thinking...
I believe Jill Biden was still working as a teacher.
@jon-nyc said in Biden’s victory lap:
The Superintendent of our little district is “Dr Brady”
My school district’s superintendent also uses the title “Dr.” in all school district communications.
It’s quite clear to me that that’s because he has a doctoral degree, not because he is a medical doctor, and no, I do not worry if he will ever volunteer in an airplane if the crew ever ask “is there a doctor on the plane?”
@jolly said in Biden’s victory lap:
How many "Doctors" of education could actually walk into a classroom and teach?
Precious few, I'm thinking...
I trained as a teacher, and the training college was full of doctors. We initially all kind of wrote them off as ivory tower academics, but actually when we saw our tutors take a class they were really good teachers.
I think there's a danger of writing off people who have a lot of qualifications as a kind of inverted snobbery.
Someone found Jill Biden's dissertation:
I got to the first paragraph of the introduction and found this:
"The needs of the student population are often undeserved, resulting in a student drop-out rate of almost one third."
I don't think I need to read any further. Spellcheck is a cursory check, not editing.
It always amazes me when you see someone submitting something important and there are basic mistakes like in the paper above by Mrs. Biden. Does not give me confident in the rest of the paper.
@axtremus said in Biden’s victory lap:
@jon-nyc said in Biden’s victory lap:
I do not worry if he will ever volunteer in an airplane if the crew ever ask “is there a doctor on the plane?”I have a friend who said the main reason he did a PhD was in the hope that at some point in his life a large-breasted woman would pass out at a sporting event and he'd be able to unbutton her top, saying "It's OK, I'm a doctor!"
@taiwan_girl said in Biden’s victory lap:
It always amazes me when you see someone submitting something important and there are basic mistakes like in the paper above by Mrs. Biden. Does not give me confident in the rest of the paper.
It doesn't get any better.
This encompasses my problems with Twitter. Whilst the message above may or may not be true, it quickly becomes irrelevant, since after looking at his profile I'm just left with the desire to punch the obnoxious little shit in the face.
I think that President elect Biden needs to hire President Trumps doctor so that he too can have a letter saying that he is the "best shape President ever!!!"
@mik said in Biden’s victory lap:
Who are you calling an obnoxious little shit there, Limey?
Oops, sorry. I was referring to the other obnoxious little shit, not you. I wouldn't risk punching you, you might hit back.
@catseye3 said in Biden’s victory lap:
I watched the video with the sound off. It looked to me like his eyes hurt, nothing more.
I guess if you go in expecting to see dementia at play, that is what you are by god going to see. Oh well, turnabout's fair play, I guess; why should Biden escape his detractors anymore than Trump escaped his? After all, what's the welfare of the country compared to the rich, fulfilling satisfaction of sweet, sweet revenge?
I don't think anybody went in, expecting anything that poor. It is what it is. Duly elected by fraud.
And if given the opportunity, I would gladly watch someone slide a political Sykes-Fairbairn into a suitable pithing place, and let the poor senile bastard be led out to pasture.