Five Percent
Cripes... And that’s known cases... How many asymptomatic and untested cases?
That's why I was surprised. It's a small town <9K people.
A deeper dive shows that Suburban Cook County has a 12% positivity rate.
We've had 453 cases out of 10,980 which is just a hair under 4%. The vast majority of them were in Mar-May.
One death that I knew of in March, the husband of the director of my boy's old preschool. I don't know if there were others.
That was just my village.
Westchester has had 50,692 out of 967k a little over 5%.
THat's confirmed cases. Serology would show us higher than that of course.
On another note I heard about a hospital that is receiving its vaccine shipment next week and is scheduling employees to receive the first dose in multiple locations immediately following FDA approval.
We were so close to having muted the Thanksgiving surge that’s coming but plans are as advanced as they can be hopefully to impact Xmas.
2.5% of the total Loudoun County population have had it. How many current, I don’t know.
Unless that’s total positive tests and not actual cases. Still a lot of confusion about that...