Pearls Before Swine.
Hello, piggies. Take this as you will...
The top row tells you the four columns of the spreadsheet. I think you can figure it out from there. (BTW - budget pack means shorter inventory)
Crop Planting Harvest Outlook
Peas Planting complete Harvest complete Budget crop.
Beans Planting complete Harvest complete Adequate inventories on most sizes and varieties, but
some under budget. Late season cooler temps negatively impacted yields during the final weeks of the fall
pack season. We’re organizing plans for an “early”
spring pack to attempt to offset any supply gaps.
Corn Planting complete Harvest complete Adequate inventories on most sizes and varieties.
Late season cooler temps reduced yields during the
final weeks of the pack season.
Lima Beans Planting complete Harvest complete Budget pack.
Beets Planting complete Harvest complete Adequate inventories on most sizes and varieties, but
some under budget. Late season cooler temps negatively impacted sizing during the final growing weeks,
which caused reduced yields on certain styles. We’re
organizing plans for an “early” spring pack to attempt
to offset any supply gaps.
Carrots Planting complete Underway Projecting budget pack.
Potatoes Planting complete Harvest underway Projecting budget pack.
Broccoli Year-round depending
on sourcing location Year-round depending
on sourcing location Supply is good from Guatemala and Mexico;
contracting successfully completed.
Cauliflower Sept-Oct Jan-March, NovDec
Sourcing location varies; contracting successfully
Spinach Jan-Feb, July-Sept March, May, OctNov Sourcing location varies; contracting successfully
Dry Beans March-June Year-round Sourcing location varies.
We just finished our beet pack, with beet size being smaller than average due late-season growing conditions.
We’re well underway with our carrot pack and canned mixed vegetable pack. Carrot quality has been excellent to date, and we expect to finish in mid-November.
Some background...That's an excerpt from an email sent to one of the largest suppliers to food banks in the Midwest.