I guess it depends on the type of error. Miscount should favor Trump, since any random vote that gets changed is more likely to be a Biden vote.
But if they find a small batch of uncounted votes like they did in GA that’s more likely to pad Biden’s lead.
So trump spent $22,727 dollars (of campaign donations) per each extra Biden vote.
Money well spent.
I'm sure he'll be able to write it off against his taxes.
Yes, the Trump campaign spends money from other people.
There is still time to donate if you want to contribute to Trump’s election legal fund: time donation aside, it also gives you the convenient option to automatically donate every month.
Trump Make America Great Again Committee (“TMAGAC”) is a joint fundraising committee composed of participating committees Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. (“DJTP”), Save America, and the Republican National Committee (“RNC”).
Contributions to TMAGAC made by an Individual/Federal Multicandidate Political Committee will be allocated according to the following formula:
75% of each contribution first to Save America, up to $5,000/$5,000, then to DJTP’s Recount Account, up to a maximum of $2,800/$5,000.
25% of each contribution to the RNC’s Operating account, up to a maximum of $35,500/$15,000.
Any additional funds will go to the RNC for deposit in the RNC’s Legal Proceedings account or Headquarters account, up to a maximum of $213,000/$90,000.
Notwithstanding this allocation formula, a contributor may designate a contribution for a specific participant or participants. In addition, the allocation formula may change if any contribution would exceed applicable contribution limits.
Donations allocable to DJTFP’s Recount Account will be used in connection with any post-election recounts and election contests and not for the purpose of influencing any federal election.
Any monthly recurring contributions received after November 3, 2020, shall be subject to TMAGAC’s prevailing allocation formula at the time of receipt.
And Bloomberg pays his bills.
Trump campaign will close with significant unpaid debts, I’m sure.
Someone pointed out that most uses of “TDS” are simply in response to someone pointing out quite real deficiencies in the man’s character. As if it’s deranged to not just accept it already.
Your post above falls into that category.
Someone pointed out that most uses of “TDS” are simply in response to someone pointing out quite real deficiencies in the man’s character. As if it’s deranged to not just accept it already.
Your post above falls into that category.
Someone pointed out that most uses of “TDS” are simply in response to someone pointing out quite real deficiencies in the man’s character. As if it’s deranged to not just accept it already.
Exactly. TDS doesn't actually exist. It is a chimera. As if dislike of Trump is a "syndrome". As if disliking Trump is a deficiency of some sort.
Jon's never struck me as much of a hater. We don't even let him attend the meetings.
Someone pointed out that most uses of “TDS” are simply in response to someone pointing out quite real deficiencies in the man’s character. As if it’s deranged to not just accept it already.
Exactly. TDS doesn't actually exist. It is a chimera. As if dislike of Trump is a "syndrome". As if disliking Trump is a deficiency of some sort.
Someone pointed out that most uses of “TDS” are simply in response to someone pointing out quite real deficiencies in the man’s character. As if it’s deranged to not just accept it already.
Exactly. TDS doesn't actually exist. It is a chimera. As if dislike of Trump is a "syndrome". As if disliking Trump is a deficiency of some sort.
It is almost as if some people cannot say anything nice about president elect Biden. Almost as if they have BDS. 555