John Kelly’s statement on transitioning
Well, let me correct you on a few points. First, there has never been a case where the transition has taken place before a winner was officially declared. Second, the date for officially recognizing a president elect is the same this election as it has always been, the transition has never started before that unless the win was decisive, and we have always managed to have a smooth transiti9n.
No, the reason people are pushing to begin the transition now has nothing at all to do with the things you said. The reason there's such a push to start now is for psychological and politicak reasons. And you have fallen for it because of your own bias.
No, the transition should be taking place regardless of outcome. To do otherwise is unconscionable.
@Mik said in John Kelly’s statement on transitioning:
No, the transition should be taking place regardless of outcome. To do otherwise is unconscionable.
Seems a little drama queeny. And a little premature for such a diatribe. Americans are roiled up enough (not that it takes much) without adding fuel to the flames.
Trump has not conceded. Biden will get what he needs after the election is certified, which will be in a few weeks. If he is the President-elect, of course.
It's not like Biden has never seen an intelligence brief or knows how the ststem works. Heck, he has swamp critters clamoring for jobs, so it's not like he needs to clue in a lot if people unfamiliar to Washington.
Kelly can go get fucked. The horse he ride in on, can go get fucked. If Biden doesn't like it he can go get fucked. And if Harris doesn't like it...well, she's already been well fucked.
I remember when democrats made fun of republicans by calling them all neocons. "Neocon" was a dirty word, and to call someone a neocon was one of the worst mud slings one could make.
Now democrats are embracing neocons. Why? Because neocons want multiple perpetual wars, and Trump wants NO wars. So they crawl in bed with neocons because they share their hatred of Trump. It's really quite amusing.
You see, John Kelly is a neocon. Most of the higher ups in the Pentagon are neocons. They all hate Trump because he gets in the way of their war machine. But the troops... The men and women who end up doing the actual fighting .... they are solidly.... SOLIDLY... behind Trump.
Solidly behind trump?
GSA ascertains Joe Biden is winner of the election, clears way for the transition from Trump administration to formally begin