“They succeeded in their campaigns, but won’t be coming to congress right now”
I would bet Upton could get a few Democrats support...
I would love a bipartisan centrist-driven group to run congress. Wouldn’t matter the letter after the speaker’s name if it actually occurred.
@jon-nyc said in “They succeeded in their campaigns, but won’t be coming to congress right now”:
It’s like Corbyn lost the election but won the conversation.
Or, how did Larry put it today? Lost the battle but won the war.
You think the pinnacle of achievement is winning the Presidency??? Lol
The war I'm speaking of is not just one little battle. There are a few wars going on that are much much bigger than that one little battle. Almost every single war we face, as has been the case since the beginning of this nation, has been fighting the democrats and the sheer evil and corruption that has been their trademark since the very beginning.
Four years ago most people who called themselves democrats did not even realize how corrupt their party is. Now they know, and your party has been shrinking as tens of thousands of democrats leave your party. The corruption of organizations like the FBI and CIA, the weaponization of those as well as the government beauracracy done by Obama, the selling out of the citizenry by Clinton, Obama, Biden, etc - all of that has been exposed. Your party will forever be known by the shit it is covered in.
The only hope it had was to get a democrat back in the White House so they could bring back all the corrupt politicians so they could help cover their tracks. But it's too late, Jon. I just saw on TV as I typed this that Biden is going to bring back Hillary, Susan Rice.... the New Marxist Party (formerly the democrat party) has given him his marching orders - bring us back so we can get back to business as usual and finish destroying the country.
We have fools who voted for Biden to thank for that, Jon. Blind, partisan fools. But it's too late, Jon. Your party likely will finish the job of destroying America, Jon. But they can't do it from a hiding spot. And if we are still a nation 2 years from now, I'm going to absolutely love watching the blood bath your party will get.
So yep - we won that war.
@jon-nyc said in “They succeeded in their campaigns, but won’t be coming to congress right now”:
I would love a bipartisan centrist-driven group to run congress. Wouldn’t matter the letter after the speaker’s name if it actually occurred.
Bull shit. You are a by God Democrat.
Hopefully, tied to a political stake and their career burned to ashes.
@jon-nyc said in “They succeeded in their campaigns, but won’t be coming to congress right now”:
I would love a bipartisan centrist-driven group to run congress. Wouldn’t matter the letter after the speaker’s name if it actually occurred.
I agree, but unfortunate, I dont think it will happen.
I for one would be more than happy to see Nancy Pelosi retire to Florida.
She could share an apartment with Mitch McConnell.
Enough with the fucking old people, already.
Enough with fucking old people?
Hell, Phibes, if everyone felt that way most of this forum would be celibate.
I was very careful with my choice of words, Jon, to avoid upsetting the bifocal brigade.
Easy, I’ve had bifocals since I turned 40.