Medicare Question
My spouse has me on her health insurance (Aetna). I was on it before I became Medicare eligible. Now, I have Medicare and opted out of any optional coverages, thinking I'm good with having REAL health insurance in addiiton to Medicare. Should I listen to any of the gazillion companies sending me information?
There are some medicare advantage plans with $0.00 premiums.
Take a look, you might find something that is worth nothing to you.
Also consider a Part D plan for prescription drugs. For every month that you do not have a Part D plan you will incur a penalty. This penalty will be added to your premium every month for the rest of your life if you ever do get a Part D plan. The penalty won't start if you have some other qualifying plan that covers prescriptions - this might be your REAL coverage.
This year I bought the cheapest Part D plan, $7.98 per month, just to stop the penalty from increasing.
If you didn't have the REAL coverage I would advise looking at Medi Gap plans. I have an AARP plan that is pretty good.
Be very careful. There are some secondary plans out there, that will drop you like a rock, if you take out a Medicare Plan D.
Educate me
I thought that if you want prescriptions that Part D was the place to go
And if you don't get a Part D plan today the penalty grows every month. So if you ever need prescriptions in the future and buy a Part D policy the penalty can get big
I now pay for 3 health policies:
- I pay the government premium for standard vanilla Medicare
On top of that I have 2 other options I can get from private companies:
2 An Advantage policy or a Medigap policy - one or the other (I use Medigap)
3 A Part D policy that covers prescription drugsI haven't heard of the other plans having any relationship to Part D
In my specific case...My insurance is OGB, Blue Cross. At 65, I apply for Medicare, I inform them and Medicare becomes my primary. Blue Cross becomes secondary. Blue Cross functions as my medicine insurance.
If I sign up for somebody else's Plan D, Blue Cross drops me. And once dropped, it is terminal and never to be renewed.
In my specific case...My insurance is OGB, Blue Cross. At 65, I apply for Medicare, I inform them and Medicare becomes my primary. Blue Cross becomes secondary. Blue Cross functions as my medicine insurance.
If I sign up for somebody else's Plan D, Blue Cross drops me. And once dropped, it is terminal and never to be renewed.
@Jolly said in Medicare Question:
In my specific case...My insurance is OGB, Blue Cross. At 65, I apply for Medicare, I inform them and Medicare becomes my primary. Blue Cross becomes secondary. Blue Cross functions as my medicine insurance.
If I sign up for somebody else's Plan D, Blue Cross drops me. And once dropped, it is terminal and never to be renewed.
I wasn’t aware that that could happen. My supplement and my Part D are BC as well. It’s been pretty easy though not cheap, of course.
@Jolly said in Medicare Question:
In my specific case...My insurance is OGB, Blue Cross. At 65, I apply for Medicare, I inform them and Medicare becomes my primary. Blue Cross becomes secondary. Blue Cross functions as my medicine insurance.
If I sign up for somebody else's Plan D, Blue Cross drops me. And once dropped, it is terminal and never to be renewed.
I wasn’t aware that that could happen. My supplement and my Part D are BC as well. It’s been pretty easy though not cheap, of course.
@George-K said in Medicare Question:
@Jolly said in Medicare Question:
In my specific case...My insurance is OGB, Blue Cross. At 65, I apply for Medicare, I inform them and Medicare becomes my primary. Blue Cross becomes secondary. Blue Cross functions as my medicine insurance.
If I sign up for somebody else's Plan D, Blue Cross drops me. And once dropped, it is terminal and never to be renewed.
I wasn’t aware that that could happen. My supplement and my Part D are BC as well. It’s been pretty easy though not cheap, of course.
Remember, my Blue Cross is funneled through Office of Group Benefits.
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