That fvcking sucks.
One thing I learned from my grandmother and great aunts, though, is that there is nothing tougher than older German women.
Any information on what caused her sudden decline?
Just received a somewhat encouraging update. She seems to be stable at the moment. Main problem is still kidney / urea nitrate. From what the doctors say, it's better to reduce the level slowly. She gets some CPAP breathing support with oxygen. Dexamethasone as a precaution. They are considering to go from PD to hemo-dialysis if the former is not working well enough.
I guess the appropriate American term for the situation is SNAFU.
OK - CPAP is much better than being on a ventilator. Presumably she's not intubated.
Uremia can cause the symptoms that you described in your original post - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and ultimately confusion.
Hopefully they'll get her BUN down as quickly as safe.
Inserting a temporary hemodyalisis access port is not a big deal. That would be a reasonable thing to do if the PD isn't working.
OK - CPAP is much better than being on a ventilator. Presumably she's not intubated.
Uremia can cause the symptoms that you described in your original post - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and ultimately confusion.
Hopefully they'll get her BUN down as quickly as safe.
Inserting a temporary hemodyalisis access port is not a big deal. That would be a reasonable thing to do if the PD isn't working.
I hope she quickly takes a turn for the better. I've been keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Hopefully they'll get her BUN down as quickly as safe.
From what I understand, her BUN level was well over 200 <insert some unit whose name I forgot here, mg/dl?>, which normally is supposed to be below 20.
Anything that high, I don't even titrate, just report out as >150.
Hopefully they'll get her BUN down as quickly as safe.
From what I understand, her BUN level was well over 200 <insert some unit whose name I forgot here, mg/dl?>, which normally is supposed to be below 20.
Anything that high, I don't even titrate, just report out as >150.
Latest update: On the positive side, BUN is getting better, lung is still good. On the negative side, there are new problems. She had multiple seizures this night. She was intubated to prevent suffocation. Still very somnolent - this should have improved due to the improved BUN levels. They checked for meningitis (analysis of spinal cord water), but with no result. Next up: MRT of the brain, neurology dep. gets involved. As far as I understand, they are puzzled about the seizures because they fit neither to the BUN problems nor to COVID-19.