The legacy of Steve Jobs
Am I the only person getting sick(er) of the "i' moniker?
Back in 1998, almost a quarter of a century ago, the "iMac" stood for "Internet Macintosh." Over the last decades we've seen so many "i" devices. It's become silly and redundant.
This month, Apple released new phones. All of them are the "iPhone 12 X." And the "X" defines the character, size, power of the said phone.
C'mon man! Just call it an "Apple Phone" and be done with it.
At least the laptop line has transitioned to "MacBook Pro" and "MacBook Air."
But...c'mon man!
With the release of the silicon-based Macs later this month, hopefully they'll drop the "i" moniker. It's been 20 years, ffs!
I've worried about an unusually large number of things this week.
I think it's fair to say that this wasn't one of them.
Friends of mine avoid talking about Steve Jobs as they know I'll go off into a crazed rant about "songs." Why in the hell couldn't he have called things "tracks" or a related term? Beethoven's fifth symphony is a song.
Then I rant on iTunes - which for the longest time also made me lose my mind. A program not even worthy of the lowest skilled North Korean programmers - but then iTune was used for all kinds of things having nothing to do with music - or even video for that matter. Crap program and stupid name.
Need to calm down....