Pew research results!
My uncle has a nice homily about the discomfort of pews. He acknowledges that it's such a Catholic thing to say, but just the same he thinks the discomfort is good in its way. Putting up with it means you're at least putting in some kind of effort.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Pew research results!:
My uncle has a nice homily about the discomfort of pews. He acknowledges that it's such a Catholic thing to say, but just the same he thinks the discomfort is good in its way. Putting up with it means you're at least putting in some kind of effort.
The Schwartzentruber sector of the Amish people are about the most conservative of the Amish. They do not have cushions in their house except in their beds. The cushions on chairs, etc are thought to promote laziness.
Some scenes from Schwartentruber country in Ohio, USA
I'll bet those folks are a real gas at box socials.