wrote on 9 Oct 2020, 21:37 last edited by George K
D2 is in Wisconsin. She called last night saying she's developed a cough and some chills. Usually runs a temp of 97.6, and it was 98.6 last night.
Todays conversations.
Me: How are you feeling?
D2: Ok with Tylenol. Throat is sore and have a mild cough. Fever went down to 98.6 as of 9am
Me: OK - that’s good. Aches better? I had an episode last weekend with some chills as well - lasted overnight and I was fine the next day.
D2: Back of my neck hurts and is warm. Still chills every now and then.This afternoon:
Me: Still feeling OK?
D2: Yeah. Fever varies from 98.6 to 99.5. It’s higher about 4 hours after I took Tylenol. Energy is ok but I’ve lost my appetite. Try to eat but get queasy.
Me: Ugh. Sounds like it.
D2: I’m drinking lots of juice and tea.
Me: Hopefully it’ll end up being a nothingburger for you. -
wrote on 9 Oct 2020, 21:49 last edited by
Ugh. Here’s hoping for the best.
wrote on 9 Oct 2020, 21:55 last edited by
Ugh. Here’s hoping for the best.
Sure sounds like it, doesn't it?
She does mental health with a large indigent population. Despite shields, masks, etc., I'm sure she's been exposed.
Also, she's living with her boyfriend. He's a good guy, but his ex (and their sons) tend to be tin-foil hat people when it comes to this. His ex is a real conspiracy nut and anti-vaxer. Who knows what their sons have been exposed to.
At her age (37), I'm optimistic she'll be fine, but, fuckety fuck.
wrote on 9 Oct 2020, 23:20 last edited by
Loss of taste of smell?
Anyway, I pray that she has a very light case, if that's what it is.
wrote on 10 Oct 2020, 00:09 last edited by
Hope it's not COVID , or a very mild case.
wrote on 10 Oct 2020, 01:17 last edited by
Send positive thoughts to you and your daughter!!!!
Send positive thoughts to you and your daughter!!!!
wrote on 10 Oct 2020, 01:20 last edited by -
Loss of taste of smell?
Anyway, I pray that she has a very light case, if that's what it is.
wrote on 10 Oct 2020, 01:38 last edited by
You know, we're not that far from the kick-off of flu season...
wrote on 10 Oct 2020, 04:31 last edited by
Nausea? Could be a GI bug. Those are no fun either, but not as long lasting as COVID.
Hoping she feels better very soon, George.
wrote on 10 Oct 2020, 04:34 last edited by
Hoping for the best George.
wrote on 10 Oct 2020, 05:05 last edited by
dang...glad dad's keeping in touch. Hope this turns out to be big nothing.
wrote on 12 Oct 2020, 18:04 last edited by George K 10 Dec 2020, 18:05
Dry cough all weekend. Low-grade fever. Nausea is the same. Lots of fatigue.
She was tested on Friday, but no results yet.
She lost her sense of smell this morning.
Getting tested again.
Monday’s patient left me a voicemail. She said she has been sick for a while but didn’t want me to know because I would cancel the appointment and that would look bad for court. I’m not calling her back now and I’m recusing myself. Goddamn it. Good thing she signed a form saying she didn’t have any symptoms Monday. That did me a lot of good...
wrote on 12 Oct 2020, 18:23 last edited by
wrote on 12 Oct 2020, 18:24 last edited by
Been hearing about a 24 hour bug. Hopefully no worse than that.
wrote on 12 Oct 2020, 19:32 last edited by
Texted about an hour ago.
She's positive.
wrote on 12 Oct 2020, 19:33 last edited by
SH*T!! Sorry to hear - hope she recovers quickly. My heart goes out to you.
wrote on 12 Oct 2020, 19:58 last edited by
Sorry to hear this, George. Like the others, I wish her the best for a short uneventful course.
Brother, TNCR is having its own special 2020 these days, isn't it???