I’m indifferent to Pfizer and Moderna. If Astra Zeneca gets to 90% I’m indifferent to that as well. I don’t care about the diff between 90 and 95%. Not exactly sure when I start thinking about it maybe under 85%. I don’t know. I will make sure everyone I know gets it fast, that matters most.
On another note, my wife's friend is doing a bit better. She may make it.
Part of her problem was a bleed, and they did give her one unit. SIL says they are seeing a lot of bleeds with patients on Remdesivir.
That is a problem. People feel their company is going to collapse if they are not there. (I guess in this case, he actually was not having symptoms at first.)
Was the guy wearing his mask? Trav shouldn’t have gotten it if they were both wearing masks!
That’s the kind of stuff we are hearing about Luke... Oh, we also have people from Church that saw him two weeks ago wanting to go get tested now.
The mask thing gets me, though. This pro-mask-anti-mask thing has gotten irrational and in my opinion the pro-mask has gotten to be as dangerous or even more dangerous than the anti-mask group.
Oh, feels the same, some trouble sleeping last night. And a 99.5 on the non-contact thermometer.
His temperature is normal and he says he feels better but still no taste.
His temperature is normal and he says he feels better but still no taste.
@LuFins-Dad said in Symptoms:
His temperature is normal and he says he feels better but still no taste.
That's great, LD. If only we could all come through it so easily.
His temperature is normal and he says he feels better but still no taste.
@LuFins-Dad said in Symptoms:
His temperature is normal and he says he feels better but still no taste.
Good to hear.
Yup, hope the good news continues/
@George-K how is Trav doing?
@George-K how is Trav doing?