@George-K Hugs to you and your family and daughter
God Bless her and heal her. There is nothing that weighs on the mind of parent like a sick child, no matter how young or old that child may be.
Hang in there, doc...
@George-K More hugs and positive thoughts
Wow, that still sounds tough, but stable at least. Please keep us posted, George. Hopefully things will improve soon.
During my SIL's recovery, her cardiologist (remember, she had a PE and an anterior MI in the hospital) had her walk just a bit during the day, as soon as she was able. Very little at first, and always with someone with her.
At first, just across the house a few times a day. Later down the driveway to the street and back. In a month or so, she made it down the street, to the end of the block and back. As time went on, she did some treadmill work along with increasing her walking distances.
Now, she's back nursing, but it took months. Recovery was a slow go.
Most healthy people are used to bouncing back quickly from a bad cold or the flu. COVID doesn't always let patients do that. I have faith D2 will eventually be well, but I'm afraid she'll have to have patience. I also know it must be of great comfort to her, to have somebody to turn to that can help her navigate the medical process.
May God restore her health and heal her. I pray that it be quick and complete, so that she can get back to normal life with her family and the people who love her.
During my SIL's recovery, her cardiologist (remember, she had a PE and an anterior MI in the hospital) had her walk just a bit during the day, as soon as she was able. Very little at first, and always with someone with her.
At first, just across the house a few times a day. Later down the driveway to the street and back. In a month or so, she made it down the street, to the end of the block and back. As time went on, she did some treadmill work along with increasing her walking distances.
Now, she's back nursing, but it took months. Recovery was a slow go.
Most healthy people are used to bouncing back quickly from a bad cold or the flu. COVID doesn't always let patients do that. I have faith D2 will eventually be well, but I'm afraid she'll have to have patience. I also know it must be of great comfort to her, to have somebody to turn to that can help her navigate the medical process.
May God restore her health and heal her. I pray that it be quick and complete, so that she can get back to normal life with her family and the people who love her.
Wow, George, what she describes sounds so familiar to me.
Jolly's point about patience couldn't be more accurate. I'm sure she will get through all this, but it will be frustratingly slow for her to experience, and for you to watch. This is one of the hardest things about being a parent.
She needs to give herself lots of time to heal and rest. I hope she can nap whenever she needs it. I understand her expectations for recovering faster, but it will happen on its own schedule.
Here's a tip that you can decide whether you think she can handle. After the first couple weeks, which is where she is now, I found that a little bourbon or brandy actually helped. I think it helped relax the chest muscles that get so tight and sore from all the coughing. Note that I said just a little, and I had it in the evening an hour or two before bedtime. Maybe it was just because I wanted to think it helped, but I was in the 'whatever it takes' mode by that time.
You can decide whether you think that would be a good suggestion for her. I doubt it would hurt, as long as it's just a small amount.