VP debate tonight
It probably won't be as much fun.
But, could this happen?
How Donald Trump could win the presidency -- and have Kamala Harris as his VP
(CNN)The United States has faced an extraordinary set of challenges in 2020. Foreign election interference, an impeachment trial, a global health pandemic, natural disasters, economic instability, mass protests and civil unrest have plagued the country.
Against this backdrop, President Donald Trump has intensified his rhetoric undermining the electoral process, stating that "the only way we're going to lose this election is if this election is rigged." Add a dose of intense political polarization and a potentially close election and we have a recipe for yet another disaster before the end of the year.
No wonder a majority of Americans do not have confidence the election will be conducted fairly, according to recent polling from NBC/Survey Monkey.
Although former Vice President Joe Biden continues to lead in the polls, slightly more voters believe that President Trump will win a second term, according to Gallup poll data published in August. Memories of Trump's surprise victory over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are undoubtedly on the minds of many voters.
Trump's 2016 victory reminded many Americans that the Electoral College process, not the overall popular vote, determines who wins or loses a presidential election. Although Clinton garnered nearly three million more votes than Trump, he was able to claim slim margins of victory in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, which was enough to obtain an Electoral College majority.
If fewer than 40,000 voters in those states (just 0.0028% of all votes cast among these states) had changed their minds, Hillary Clinton would have won the presidency. Given that as many as 13% made their minds up the day of the election or planned to vote for a third-party candidate, such a scenario is not farfetched.
Pence has to attack her record hard.
@Jolly said in VP debate tonight:
Supposedly, Harris will be going very hard at the COVID response from the Whitehouse.
I will tape this so we can compare what Biden actually does when he becomes President. I know people will say who cares about the past but the truth will finally reveal itself.
@Jolly said in VP debate tonight:
Supposedly, Harris will be going very hard at the COVID response from the Whitehouse.
I will tape this so we can compare what Biden actually does when he becomes President. I know people will say who cares about the past but the truth will finally reveal itself.
@Loki said in VP debate tonight:
I will tape this so we can compare what Biden actually does when he becomes President.
Wait, do you mean that politicians may say stuff just to get votes but dont actually follow through with it? 555555