1st President Debate
@Larry said in 1st President Debate:
Biden just said "Antifa is an IDEA, not an ORGANIZATION"
Biden said that Trumps FBI director said it.
And it’s true.
We have the best air. Everybody says so.
Weird line of attack. Biden's crime bill was outrageous over-policing AND Biden's against law enforcement.
Why are there three? There were only 2 presidential debates in 16.
Trump: So that’s a No Chris.
Biden: Yes.
Biden was able to stand up and breathe. The press will declare him the winner.
@Loki said in 1st President Debate:
I’ve never seen a candidate with such a media tailwind. It’s like they are part of the campaign. There is no pretense any more. Trump will lose the election badly but if he won it would be amazing that he overwhelmed the biggest marketing machine of all time.
You sir, are correct. If Trump wins, the press may commit mass suicide.
@Loki said in 1st President Debate:
I can’t see in the moment how more debates makes any difference
Exactly. Both President Trump and Vice President Biden to me looked like little kids. Neither proved to me that that is someone I would be proud to call the President of the USA.
Ouch! Just ouch!!!
It is a sad state that the two people running to be the most powerful person on earth act like this!
No winners at all!!
I still feel a little stunned from the experience.
Tyler Cowen:
“Not pleased, but more of you argue like this than you might like to think.”
Cliff Asness:
“Is it wrong that I just witnessed a National shit show of epic proportions and part of me is thinking “ok, so what does this mean for value stocks?”
Oh, and by part of me, I mean all.L
As I said in the first post,
If you are a President Trump supporter, he did a great job and Vice President Biden was terrible.
If you are a Vice President Biden supporter, he did a great job and President Trump was terrible.
The reality is both men did not look good.
I will vote for which man who says there will be no more debates!! LOL