In a nutshell, this is why I support Donald Trump. And I will absolutely accept all those other faults, yep, every one of them, if the choice is between him and the coalition that'll puppeteer Biden.
I see it a bit differently. I mostly support this policy of him. But I assume that, say, Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz would have also supported such a policy. It doesn't cancel out the myriad of other things I dislike about him and his other policies. The GOP needs to press the "reset" button, and the price for pressing that reset button is to endure four years of Biden and hope that Biden won't screw up things completely.
In a nutshell, this is why I support Donald Trump. And I will absolutely accept all those other faults, yep, every one of them, if the choice is between him and the coalition that'll puppeteer Biden.
I see it a bit differently. I mostly support this policy of him. But I assume that, say, Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz would have also supported such a policy. It doesn't cancel out the myriad of other things I dislike about him and his other policies. The GOP needs to press the "reset" button, and the price for pressing that reset button is to endure four years of Biden and hope that Biden won't screw up things completely.
You lose Trump and this stuff doesn't die, it doesn't reset, it blooms into law.
I agree that "wokeism" is a real and serious threat, but everything can be reversed. Also, the point where I begin to disagree with Trump's proposal on this matter is when it turns into the direction of "patriotic education", which sounds like out of the frying pan into the fire. I'm worried that he would try to replace one set of stupid identity politics with another set of stupid identity politics. There are already hints of that in the current executive order.
In a nutshell, this is why I support Donald Trump. And I will absolutely accept all those other faults, yep, every one of them, if the choice is between him and the coalition that'll puppeteer Biden.
I see it a bit differently. I mostly support this policy of him. But I assume that, say, Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz would have also supported such a policy. It doesn't cancel out the myriad of other things I dislike about him and his other policies. The GOP needs to press the "reset" button, and the price for pressing that reset button is to endure four years of Biden and hope that Biden won't screw up things completely.
Ok. That sort of disagreement is to be expected where some people weigh certain value judgements different from others. But the judgments themselves are understood and respected. This is what political disagreement should look like. Unfortunately these days it too often looks like “omg you support Trump? You are a troglodyte!”
Also, there should be a difference between despising a politician and despising the people who vote for him.