Dealermaker: Canada edition
Maybe not a state.., How about a territory like Puerto Rico?
I just don’t get this guy… even if the tariffs don’t end up actually happening, Canada has to disentangle its supply chain from the US.
Canada is gonna have a tough few years. This is going to hurt Canadians in the pocketbook hard. He’s making a real enemy right now.
Trumpigula again in all his loathsome majesty.
A covetous and mendacious pig of a man. Like the Buffalo Bill serial killer in Silence of the Lambs, Trump, covets what is beyond his reach and control. He covets Canada and its natural resources and fresh water. Like Putin, Trump will steal to get it. He takes pride in his legacy of lies, deceit and thievery,
Trump deserves zero respect. Other than Hungary’s Viktor Orban, he commands little to no respect beyond his current kingdom. If a deluded Trump thinks Putin respects him, he will soon find out otherwise, the hard way.
Trump is the grave digger of the office he holds and the US republic itself. His minions and the populist base who march to his drum are no better.
A thoroughly immoral charlatan and repugnant piece of low humanity.