The idea is to put solar panels over where you do agriculture. Generating electricity aside, you also gain more control over the temperature and amount of sun exposed to the areas below your solar panels, to the point where you get to do better agriculture than before (e.g., reduce irrigation needs, grow better/different crops, better protection from heat for grazing livestocks).
Shame nobody has made it work on a significant scale
Quite interesting and makes sense.
I am guess that in 20 years it will be in large scale somewhere.
Science timeline
lab scale unit --> pilot plant unit --> demonstration unit --> large scale unit -
I'm all for photovoltaics once we have a good battery technology where we can store enough energy for days and weeks with little or no sun (as opposed to minutes).
Right now, its utility is rather limited. Over here, we get negative energy prices on a regular basis, which is (somewhat paradoxically) costing the consumer a fortune.