The CNN defamation lawsuit
Guy alleges that CNN wrongly said he exploited desperate Afghans for profit
The CNN segment at the center of the suit, which was shared on social media and also repackaged for CNN's website, began with Tapper informing viewers that CNN correspondent Alex Marquardt discovered "Afghans trying to get out of the country face a black market full of promises, demands of exorbitant fees, and no guarantee of safety or success."
Tapper tossed to Marquardt, who said "desperate Afghans are being exploited" and need to pay "exorbitant, often impossible amounts" to flee the country. Marquardt then singled out Young, putting a picture of his face on the screen and saying his company was asking for $75,000 to transport a vehicle of passengers to Pakistan for $14,500 per person to end up in the United Arab Emirates.
"Prices well beyond the reach of most Afghans," Marquardt told viewers.
"We got Young’s number and called, but he didn’t pick up. In a text message, he told CNN that ‘Afghans trying to leave are expected to have sponsors pay for them. If someone reached out, we need to understand if they have a sponsor behind them to be able to pay evacuation costs which are highly volatile and based on environmental realities,’" Marquardt continued. "Young repeatedly declined to break down the cost or say if he’s making money."
No other people or companies were named other than Young.
"In another message, that person offering those evacuations, Zachary Young, he wrote, ‘Availability is extremely limited and demand is high’… he goes on to say, ‘That’s how economics works, unfortunately,’" Marquardt told viewers.
Tapper responded, "Unfortunately, hmm," before thanking Marquardt for the report.
Young alleged that CNN, using the terms "black market," "exploit" and "exorbitant," painted him as a bad actor preying on desperate people.
Earlier this year, judges with the First District Court of Appeal for the State of Florida ruled on June 12 that Young offered enough evidence that he was able to move forward with the defamation suit.