Kamala-lama-ding-dong's Ears
Probably not true, but ya never know...
Im sure it is true. Actually, it was not VP Harris at all, but an AI created clone that was developed by Leon Musk, Elons little known twin. But President Trump does know of him.
And if that wasn't enough bad, President Trump was forced to receive the questions in Haitian Creole, which maybe was some of the reason for his somewhat poor performance. (Also, he found out just before the debate that his pet dog had gone missing while Sen. Vance was dog-sitting in Ohio.)
Probably not true, but ya never know...
You'll notice they don't appear worried about the extra-terrestrial life-form living on her opponents scalp.
You'll notice they don't appear worried about the extra-terrestrial life-form living on her opponents scalp.
@George-K said in Kamala-lama-ding-dong's Ears:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Kamala-lama-ding-dong's Ears:
extra-terrestrial life-form
More like one of these....
Maybe Trump is an ancestor of that well known philanthropist from the future, Harry Mudd? It wouldn't be the most unlikely thing I've heard about him.
JUST A FEW weeks ago, certain people in a particular corner of the internet decided they had cracked the reason Kamala Harris was doing so much better than Donald Trump in the presidential debate. Not that she was better prepared, nor that she was a better debater. No, she must be wearing a Bluetooth earpiece, carefully disguised as a pair of pearl earrings. Obviously.
we put the Nova H1s through a mock press conference to see if it might have worked. We had WIRED's UK managing editor Mike Dent surreptitiously feeding us lines to parrot, all while being quizzed by other members of the team. Even with the background noise being at a minimum, Mike often struggled to be heard through the H1s, leading to awkward pauses, misspoken answers, and frankly a look of complete incompetence rather than a commanding presence at the lectern. At one point we even had to stop the experiment altogether as the audio feed from Mike disappeared completely.
@Jolly LOL
Testing in a real world situation.
@Jolly LOL
Testing in a real world situation.
@taiwan_girl said in Kamala-lama-ding-dong's Ears:
@Jolly LOL
Testing in a real world situation.
Ok, you're the one that likes to cross imagined T's and dot fantasy I's...
- Were the two rooms acoustically similar?
- Was more than one person speaking at a time?
- How long had Mike prepped for the test? A week in a hotel room under optimum auditory conditions would be a start.
- Is Mike's hearing as acute as Kamala-lama-ding-dong's?
- One never feeds complete line. You feed a short statistic. A story reminder. It's like an extemporaneous speaker glancing at note outline. I can speak authoritatively 5 minutes per 3x5 card, up to a thirty minute speech. I suspect many of us can do the same. Did Kamala-lama-ding-dong receive this type of information?
That's few for you to research. If you need more, answer those and I'll get back to you.
One other thing that was in the article was that in order for the hearer to hear through the earrings, the sound was also available to others in the room, loud enough that others notices and commented.
@taiwan_girl said in Kamala-lama-ding-dong's Ears:
@Jolly LOL
Testing in a real world situation.
Ok, you're the one that likes to cross imagined T's and dot fantasy I's...
- Were the two rooms acoustically similar?
- Was more than one person speaking at a time?
- How long had Mike prepped for the test? A week in a hotel room under optimum auditory conditions would be a start.
- Is Mike's hearing as acute as Kamala-lama-ding-dong's?
- One never feeds complete line. You feed a short statistic. A story reminder. It's like an extemporaneous speaker glancing at note outline. I can speak authoritatively 5 minutes per 3x5 card, up to a thirty minute speech. I suspect many of us can do the same. Did Kamala-lama-ding-dong receive this type of information?
That's few for you to research. If you need more, answer those and I'll get back to you.