My home gym...
We have a fair of gym equipment - almost everything can you think of. Sadly, some idiot has a giant CD collection that takes up the basement - which is where many people would have their gym.
As a result, most of the gym equipment is in the upstairs of the garage - which is great - except it gets a bit warm up there. Today, I was assembling a new piece of equipment - always a joy as there were NO written instructions - and I started around 11 a.m. and finished at 4:30. I took a 15 minute break - but here's the good part. It was 112F in the upstairs of the garage.
I was kinda getting a little delusional by the time I decided it was a good time to come back in the house. I had planned to do a run, but that seemed unwise.
Today, is the first day I haven't had a cough. At least part of that may be that I raised my core temperature 10 degrees and fried all of the virus plus another 20% of the few functioning brain cells.
The latest piece of equipment is something called a hip thrust machine - good for glutes and lower back. Of course, I gave myself the usual pep talk of we're going to be meticulous - check things twice - so we don't have to undo anything - and of couse, I ended up having to undo/redu a few things as the instructions were horrencous. There was a video that was slightly more helpful - and between the two, success was achieved - though I have 2 bolts left over - alwaya disheartening - but not worrying as everything seems to work as intended.
The picture will certainly help with.., Never mind! Happy you are kicking this!