What’s happening at Columbia?
wrote on 7 May 2024, 13:11 last edited by Horace 5 Jul 2024, 13:11
These cosplayers are consuming the resource of incivility. They make civil situations uncivil. In the civilization economy, their incivility is a scarce resource to be consumed. They depend on the rest of the world to be more civil than they are. Otherwise the whole situation devolves to chaos, as both sides become uncivil. They can do these things on their civilized campuses where they're sure they'll be the only ones consuming the incivility resource. They can't do them in armed places with citizenry that really wouldn't mind just killing all of them for the inconvenience they cause. "Try that in a small town" springs to mind.
These cosplayers are consuming the resource of incivility. They make civil situations uncivil. In the civilization economy, their incivility is a scarce resource to be consumed. They depend on the rest of the world to be more civil than they are. Otherwise the whole situation devolves to chaos, as both sides become uncivil. They can do these things on their civilized campuses where they're sure they'll be the only ones consuming the incivility resource. They can't do them in armed places with citizenry that really wouldn't mind just killing all of them for the inconvenience they cause. "Try that in a small town" springs to mind.
wrote on 7 May 2024, 13:16 last edited by@Horace said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
They can't do them in armed places with citizenry that really wouldn't mind just killing all of them for the inconvenience they cause.
Where's Officer Byrd when we need him?
wrote on 7 May 2024, 13:18 last edited by
wrote on 7 May 2024, 13:29 last edited by
Similarly, consultant Warren Kinsella said: "At the firm I founded 18 years ago, and in the war rooms I've run for the past 31 years, I've employed hundreds of young people. I'll never again hire one from @Columbia."
I knew Warren Kinsella from grad school back in the early 1980s. He was in Poli Sci, active on the Students Union and president of the campus Liberal Party organisation. Big supporter then of John Turner. Has remained affiliated and a go to contractor with Liberal machine until the Trudeau era. Operates Daisy Consulting Group out of Toronto.
Never thought much of him. I do however agree with him on this issue.
wrote on 7 May 2024, 13:36 last edited by Horace 5 Jul 2024, 13:41
I don't see how categorical denials of all students at an institution follows from a few students at that institution behaving badly.
I don't see how categorical denials of all students at an institution follows from a few students at that institution behaving badly.
wrote on 7 May 2024, 13:47 last edited by Doctor Phibes 5 Jul 2024, 13:47@Horace said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
I don't see how categorical denials of all students at an institution follows from a few students at that institution behaving badly.
I for one will never hire another Austrian.
wrote on 7 May 2024, 18:43 last edited by
13 federal judges say they will no longer hire clerks from Columbia Law School OR Columbia College after the university allowed an encampment on its lawn to spiral into a destructive occupation of a campus building.
wrote on 7 May 2024, 18:53 last edited by@George-K said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
13 federal judges say they will no longer hire clerks from Columbia Law School OR Columbia College after the university allowed an encampment on its lawn to spiral into a destructive occupation of a campus building.
Would be more impactful if it were Columbia grads. One wonders how many Columbia grads these guys have hired between them. (They’re all in Texas and most I checked are UT law school graduates)
wrote on 7 May 2024, 22:23 last edited by
wrote on 7 May 2024, 22:51 last edited by
Who’s Palastein? Sounds Jewish.
wrote on 8 May 2024, 23:32 last edited by Renauda 5 Aug 2024, 23:32
@George-K said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
Photo taken at the U of Ottawa. Dumb fuckin’ Canucks, don’t they know paint rattle cans don’t have spell check?
wrote on 18 May 2024, 14:11 last edited by
wrote on 18 May 2024, 14:36 last edited by
They've done a lot of damage to the school's brand. Not that Columbia wasn't already doing a pretty good job of that, but they took it to the next level.
wrote on 18 May 2024, 15:19 last edited by bachophile
Should have been expelled. And anybody on student visas should have the visa revoked. Just sayin.
Should have been expelled. And anybody on student visas should have the visa revoked. Just sayin.
wrote on 18 May 2024, 15:36 last edited by@bachophile said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
Should have been expelled. And anybody on student visas should have the visa revoked. Just sayin.
I believe in mercy.
Suspension for two semesters. No public graduation for graduating seniors. Rescind any acceptance letters from Harvard or Columbia graduate schools for those involved. Reinstatement for those suspended is contingent upon attending a synagogue of their choice for 10 Shabbat services and a paper written on the Holocaust.
After reinstatement, students shall be on probation for one year. Subsequently, any violation of probation shall result in irrevocable expulsion without appeal.
Should have been expelled. And anybody on student visas should have the visa revoked. Just sayin.
wrote on 18 May 2024, 15:44 last edited by@bachophile said in What’s happening at Columbia?:
Should have been expelled. And anybody on student visas should have the visa revoked. Just sayin.
I concur.
Am not the least merciful in such instances as these. Just sayin.
wrote on 18 May 2024, 16:06 last edited by
After the recovery of three hostages' bodies, I just don't see how anyone could keep up this tantrum.
Expel them and deport those on student visas. We are not in the business of educating future terrorists.
After the recovery of three hostages' bodies, I just don't see how anyone could keep up this tantrum.
Expel them and deport those on student visas. We are not in the business of educating future terrorists.
wrote on 22 May 2024, 21:19 last edited by
wrote on 22 May 2024, 21:24 last edited by