Kick him while he's down...
This is the culture insisting we bow to their demands. I think we all know how that would work out. You don't give amoral animals the rudder.
Are they redeemable? Maybe. Do you want to take that chance? I hate to judge someone solely by their worst act, but when it is this heinous, I think we have to.
Eight juveniles – whose names have not been released – were taken into custody and “will be charged with the crime of murder,” said Undersheriff Andrew Walsh.
The suspects range in age from 13 to 17 and are students at Rancho High School.
Half the teens arrested will be tried as adults, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.
Those four cases were automatically transferred to adult criminal court because the defendants are 16 or 17, the newspaper reported.
The remaining defendants, between 13 and 15, will face certification hearings in family court, where a judge
Say the unsaid word.
Had the races been reversed, there would be riots in the streets, and St. George Floyd would look down on it and smile.
The judge looked quite young
Four high school students in Las Vegas pleaded not guilty Thursday to second-degree murder in the fatal beating of their schoolmate that was caught on cellphone video and shared widely across social media.
A grand jury in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, returned an indictment last week against the teens, all of whom have been charged as adults. They are also charged with conspiracy to commit battery, a gross misdemeanor, according to the indictment.