So, how would you do it?
For those over 18 years old, you can probably use this self-screening tool:
I haven't come across screening tool that's designed for children. CDC's COVID-19 information for children is also limited:
Friday, I can see why you're concerned. The symptoms don't present as a typical COVID case, but I think you are wise to isolate the kids from one another for several days.
How old is she? Could it be a UTI? The back pain makes me wonder. Sometimes a younger gal with a bladder infection won't have typical UTI symptoms, and instead have lower back pain, some fever, and general malaise.
You might be able to have a telemedicine visit to get a first evaluation online. Here we call that a portal visit.
Take her temp every few hours to track it, because you can bet that's the first thing they'll ask.
Best wishes to her and for you. It's harder to know what to do about these things now, and it can be more difficult to get an appointment. The telemed visit at least gets a record started to show any progression. That's often helpful for everyone involved.
Mark, fingers crossed that your daughter will be well.
Ax, thanks for the questionnaire; it was helpful.
Brenda, yes I thought of UTI as well. I'll monitor her for the next 72 hours.
I hate being a paranoid parent.
@Friday I hear you. Even though Finley is well out of the range of being in trouble if he had it (heck, so is Lucas), it still throws me into a panic if he’s got a bit of a rash, since a rash can be a symptom for a baby.
While the symptoms can vary, this seems to be very different from most, and doesn’t seem to be any of the dangerous symptoms (fever and breathing difficulties). How old is she? Is she an age that she cans handle being isolated a little or does she need Mom and comfort?
Mark, we will add your daughter to our prayers. Is this the daughter that was staying at her friend’s place?
@Friday I hear you. Even though Finley is well out of the range of being in trouble if he had it (heck, so is Lucas), it still throws me into a panic if he’s got a bit of a rash, since a rash can be a symptom for a baby.
While the symptoms can vary, this seems to be very different from most, and doesn’t seem to be any of the dangerous symptoms (fever and breathing difficulties). How old is she? Is she an age that she cans handle being isolated a little or does she need Mom and comfort?
Mark, we will add your daughter to our prayers. Is this the daughter that was staying at her friend’s place?
@LuFins-Dad No, this is our oldest. The chemist. She works at a large chemical company that makes a whole catalog of industrial chemicals and is currently making isopropyl alcohol on an industrial scale. Her position permits working at home currently, and for the past couple of weeks, she has been on an alternating 3 day at home, 2 day at home per week schedule. The company will permit full time from home if any employee is not feeling well.
She had a tele-med appointment with a doctor this evening and he told her that it does not sound like COVID-19 so that is encouraging.
She did the Apple questionnaire tonight, thank you Ax! It recommended she stay at home as did the doctor. Plenty of rest and fluids.
Mark, that's good to hear that your oldest daughter's symptoms are likely not COVID-19. Still, it's worrisome for us as parents to have a kiddo of any age be ill, especially now. I hope she can work from home for a good long while. Encourage her to take plenty of time to stay home, even when she's feeling better. I can picture you saying that. Good.
@LuFins-Dad No, this is our oldest. The chemist. She works at a large chemical company that makes a whole catalog of industrial chemicals and is currently making isopropyl alcohol on an industrial scale. Her position permits working at home currently, and for the past couple of weeks, she has been on an alternating 3 day at home, 2 day at home per week schedule. The company will permit full time from home if any employee is not feeling well.
She had a tele-med appointment with a doctor this evening and he told her that it does not sound like COVID-19 so that is encouraging.
She did the Apple questionnaire tonight, thank you Ax! It recommended she stay at home as did the doctor. Plenty of rest and fluids.
@mark said in So, how would you do it?:
@LuFins-Dad No, this is our oldest. The chemist. She works at a large chemical company that makes a whole catalog of industrial chemicals and is currently making isopropyl alcohol on an industrial scale. Her position permits working at home currently, and for the past couple of weeks, she has been on an alternating 3 day at home, 2 day at home per week schedule. The company will permit full time from home if any employee is not feeling well.
She had a tele-med appointment with a doctor this evening and he told her that it does not sound like COVID-19 so that is encouraging.
She did the Apple questionnaire tonight, thank you Ax! It recommended she stay at home as did the doctor. Plenty of rest and fluids.
I know you will, but keep checking on her. Hope she feels much better soon.
Mark, fingers crossed that your daughter will be well.
Ax, thanks for the questionnaire; it was helpful.
Brenda, yes I thought of UTI as well. I'll monitor her for the next 72 hours.
I hate being a paranoid parent.
@Friday said in So, how would you do it?:
I hate being a paranoid parent.
I'd cut yourself a lot of slack there; these are strange times. I doubt she's sick with the virus, and it's very likely something else.
@mark Here's hoping, man. Please keep us posted.
@brenda +1
Teledoc appt went well. Doc thinks it is not COVID so there is some encouragement. She then called her friend who just so happens to one of the leading COVID experts for the state of Louisiana and he told her that her symptoms are more likely the result of severe anxiety than anything else. She lives alone and does suffer from anxiety. Her temp is below 100 and she has not lost her sense of smell, or taste, and does not have a cough.
The doctor recommended that she quarantine for at least 5 days. Her company will let her work 100% from home when they are ill. She is scheduled to work next week, Monday. If she still feels bad then, she will just call in, and her job should be fine.
She is very highly valued at her company. I don't think she is in any danger of losing her job. So, that is cool.
I am somewhat relived, and cautiously optimistic.
Teledoc appt went well. Doc thinks it is not COVID so there is some encouragement. She then called her friend who just so happens to one of the leading COVID experts for the state of Louisiana and he told her that her symptoms are more likely the result of severe anxiety than anything else. She lives alone and does suffer from anxiety. Her temp is below 100 and she has not lost her sense of smell, or taste, and does not have a cough.
The doctor recommended that she quarantine for at least 5 days. Her company will let her work 100% from home when they are ill. She is scheduled to work next week, Monday. If she still feels bad then, she will just call in, and her job should be fine.
She is very highly valued at her company. I don't think she is in any danger of losing her job. So, that is cool.
I am somewhat relived, and cautiously optimistic.
Teledoc appt went well. Doc thinks it is not COVID so there is some encouragement. She then called her friend who just so happens to one of the leading COVID experts for the state of Louisiana and he told her that her symptoms are more likely the result of severe anxiety than anything else. She lives alone and does suffer from anxiety. Her temp is below 100 and she has not lost her sense of smell, or taste, and does not have a cough.
The doctor recommended that she quarantine for at least 5 days. Her company will let her work 100% from home when they are ill. She is scheduled to work next week, Monday. If she still feels bad then, she will just call in, and her job should be fine.
She is very highly valued at her company. I don't think she is in any danger of losing her job. So, that is cool.
I am somewhat relived, and cautiously optimistic.
@mark said in So, how would you do it?:
Teledoc appt went well. Doc thinks it is not COVID so there is some encouragement. She then called her friend who just so happens to one of the leading COVID experts for the state of Louisiana and he told her that her symptoms are more likely the result of severe anxiety than anything else. She lives alone and does suffer from anxiety. Her temp is below 100 and she has not lost her sense of smell, or taste, and does not have a cough.
The doctor recommended that she quarantine for at least 5 days. Her company will let her work 100% from home when they are ill. She is scheduled to work next week, Monday. If she still feels bad then, she will just call in, and her job should be fine.
She is very highly valued at her company. I don't think she is in any danger of losing her job. So, that is cool.
I am somewhat relived, and cautiously optimistic.
Well, it's not like she's under any stress, God Bless her...
That's great news Mark.
My daughter is 18, a freshman at NYU, which I think adds to my anxiety. Anyway, she slept for about 14 hours, then texted my husband "what's there to eat?" She still complains of some back ache, but it's not her kidneys. The pain is higher up on her back. Maybe she's not used to sleeping in a nice bed anymore.
Good to hear that both girls seems to be trending upward.