Hamas attacks Israel
I’ll be happy to split the reward with anyone interested.
Hay @bachophile !
How about an update on the overall sense of how things are over there?
I see the Supreme Court smacked Bibi down.
Any word on the Mossad team arrested in Turkey?
Hay @bachophile !
How about an update on the overall sense of how things are over there?
I see the Supreme Court smacked Bibi down.
@George-K well, yes the news of the Supreme Court would have been huge news three months ago. Now, we all know judicial reform is dead, and bibi will be long gone before his cases come to trial. No one really believes his government will survive the post war rage developing.
Bibi is trying to cast off blame by singling out the military brass as the main culprits in the oct 7 disaster but no one is buying it. Polls have him in the dumpster even within the right wing bloc besides a small(very small) base.
All eyes now on the north. There are about 100000 displaced residents of northern villages who refuse to return until the Hezbollah problem is satisfactorily dealt with. The minimum will be pushing them back north over the litani river. The more serious case scenario is turning Beirut into Gaza. So I’d saw we are looking at least another almost year of unrest.
And like anything horrible, you sort of get to used to it. Daily life has returned to a tense normalcy. Stores open. Traffic on the roads. Restaurants back in business. Only thing missing are the tourists.