The Coronavirus Meme Thread
@Aqua-Letifer said in The Coronavirus Meme Thread:
That's one of the most BS statements I've read in a while. We calculate with acceptable losses every day. When 10 million people turn their car key in the morning, they accept that some of them will die in a car accident that day. But the problem isn't that we calculate with acceptable losses. That's unavoidable. The problem is that we pretend that we don't do it. We should talk about it more, openly and transparently, not less (and pretend that it doesn't happen).
You could both be right.
You’re defending the idea that lives are risked in every endeavor.
He’s talking about what happens when politicians use a particular phrase.
@jon-nyc said in The Coronavirus Meme Thread:
You could both be right.
You’re defending the idea that lives are risked in every endeavor.
He’s talking about what happens when politicians use a particular phrase.
Obviously this is the wrong thread to elaborate on the issue, but I think we should define a price (measured in currency) of what a life or year of life is worth, such that we have a basis to compare risks and the costs of risk avoidance in different life situations. Most people would find that inhumane (probably they'd use less nice words), but I think it would merely make explicit and fair what is now intransparent and unfair.