Sorry, Frank. Sometimes the velociraptors aren't nearly as dangerous as those lasses in the bikinis.
We’re up to three kids in our family’s sphere of friends in Loudoun County to come out Trans…
The first was the big brawny boy that is a little autistic and had problems reigning in some of his emotional responses. He is currently on hormone therapy.
The second is a young girl that came out trans about a year ago, then decided that she was just a lesbian. She has now decided that she is just fluid and is currently straight.
The third is a gamer kid that had a stress breakdown the first two weeks in college. He went to a counselor and now says he’s non-binary and his name is Asran.
@LuFins-Dad , have these kids cause you any trouble?
@LuFins-Dad , have these kids cause you any trouble?
@LuFins-Dad , have these kids cause you any trouble?
Yes. What’s it to you?
The whole “they aren’t hurting anyone else so let them live their lives” fallacy is so fundamentally flawed that I’m not surprised you brought it up.
I have two.
Both are girls who transitioned to boys. One I am on board with. She had suffered depression her whole life until she transitioned.
The other breaks my heart. I thought of calling her parents to beg them not to let her do anything permanent, but didn't. Once they are 18 there's not much her parents could do. I know her father is having a hard time with it.
Well, if you don’t mind sharing, what troubles have they caused you?
Well let me think…Let’s start with Chris/Krista. A young man that’s stayed overnight with us on many occasions and that Luke’s travelled with on vacation. A family that Karla and I count the parents as among our best friends…
Do you think that the fact that his emotional and psychological health health has deteriorated to this point WOULDN’T trouble us? Should we not care that he’s now on a medical path that leads to a young man being 8 times more likely to commit suicide? Do you think it shouldn’t trouble us that his autism and other mental and emotional health problems are not being addressed appropriately? And instead he had been lead down this path by a fucking High School Guidance Counselor? That shouldn’t trouble us? It’s none of our concern? A family has been broken up, our friends are hurting, a young man we care snout’s life and health are at risk, and you ask why would this cause us troubles?
Fuck you.
We have fallen to the place where you won't allow a minor to get a tattoo without parental consent and guidance counselors are encouraging castration for 15 year olds.