Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science
But as you previously explained, a mask doesn't protect me from you, it only protects you from me. Which means that if I've tested negative and am there for no risk to you, I have allowed you to bully me into conforming to your fears at the expense of my own Constitutional rights.
But as you previously explained, a mask doesn't protect me from you, it only protects you from me. Which means that if I've tested negative and am there for no risk to you, I have allowed you to bully me into conforming to your fears at the expense of my own Constitutional rights.
@Larry said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
But as you previously explained, a mask doesn't protect me from you, it only protects you from me. Which means that if I've tested negative and am there for no risk to you..
What about tomorrow, or do you plan to get tested daily?
It's a minor inconvenience, and thousands of people are dying.
The real question is 'how much of a dick do you want to be?'
And I'm not even saying people need to wear a mask at all times. Just follow the guidelines.
@Larry said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
I think people should start wearing ass masks...
Most people already do, often multiple layers of such. Varieties include panties, underwear, boxers, shorts, pants, pantaloons, skirts, gowns, etc.
It's a minor inconvenience, and thousands of people are dying.
The real question is 'how much of a dick do you want to be?'
And I'm not even saying people need to wear a mask at all times. Just follow the guidelines.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
It's a minor inconvenience, and thousands of people are dying.
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that is a great reason.
That reason is never ever going away. Never.
Thousands will always be dying from communicable disease.
So, if that is a great reason for everyone to always wear a mask, we will never again do anything in public without a mask.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
It's a minor inconvenience, and thousands of people are dying.
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that is a great reason.
That reason is never ever going away. Never.
Thousands will always be dying from communicable disease.
So, if that is a great reason for everyone to always wear a mask, we will never again do anything in public without a mask.
@Copper said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
@Doctor-Phibes said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
It's a minor inconvenience, and thousands of people are dying.
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that is a great reason.
That reason is never ever going away. Never.
Thousands will always be dying from communicable disease.
So, if that is a great reason for everyone to always wear a mask, we will never again do anything in public without a mask.
You and Ax should form a team.
We all have different goals. Mine is to avoid contracting Covid-19 from some stupid fuck who refuses to wear a mask because it would somehow affect his liberty.
We all have different goals. Mine is to avoid contracting Covid-19 from some stupid fuck who refuses to wear a mask because it would somehow affect his liberty.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
We all have different goals. Mine is to avoid contracting Covid-19 from some stupid fuck who refuses to wear a mask because it would somehow affect his liberty.
I tend to avoid and ignore stupid fucks of that type generally.
Catching Covid won't be fun, however I get it, but to get it from some loser who actually thinks that wearing masks to prevent the spread of what he considers a made-up disease are what defines fascism would be too much to bear.
I would rather Bill Gates personally inject me with his nanobots.
Incidentally, these are not non-stop insults. This is what is known as occasional impoliteness.
To make this clear ... again... I wear a mask, I advocate wearing a mask, I discussed the legal aspect of government requiring the wearing of masks purely as a conversation about the legality of it. I honestly don't know a single person who refuses to wear a mask as a statement of some sort.
Catching Covid won't be fun, however I get it, but to get it from some loser who actually thinks that wearing masks to prevent the spread of what he considers a made-up disease are what defines fascism would be too much to bear.
I would rather Bill Gates personally inject me with his nanobots.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
Catching Covid won't be fun, however I get it, but to get it from some loser who actually thinks that wearing masks to prevent the spread of what he considers a made-up disease are what defines fascism would be too much to bear.
I would rather Bill Gates personally inject me with his nanobots.
I've heard from very reputable and intelligent sources that if we all start wearing masks, then we've opened the doors to things we don't like: Pedophilia, vegetarian dinners, and doing nice things for liberals. You wanna go down that route? Do you really? Because that's exactly where we're headed.
Smart people.
It's weird to meet someone, naturally going to shake hands, and then pull back knowing that all of us alive now, will be the last people that shook hands as part of social discourse.
"Grandpa, tell me about that thing where you hold a stranger's hand and pump it up and down. What was wrong with people back then?"
It's a minor inconvenience, and thousands of people are dying.
The real question is 'how much of a dick do you want to be?'
And I'm not even saying people need to wear a mask at all times. Just follow the guidelines.
@Doctor-Phibes said in Tucker: Masks and social distancing have no basis in science:
It's a minor inconvenience, and thousands of people are dying.
Just say it will continue forever, for the above reason.
No need to be impolite.
I mean if we're all going to wear masks, we might as well cover ourselves in gauze, douse our bodies with iodine and live in an iron lung for the rest of our lives because it's exactly the same thing. Next thing you know they're going to be coming for our guns.
As Tom Hanks said, wearing a mask really is the least you can do.
And saying 'we're going to have to wear one for ever' is the exact same logic that gave us 'it's not as bad as the flu'.
There's a pandemic. We need to behave differently. This too shall pass.
The issue is that you will inevitably end up accepting the same category of risks, as society eventually returns to not wearing masks, but then, by some unidentifiable magic that has little to do with anything other than the messaging you're exposed to, you will think it's proper. Or maybe you will go to your grave thinking everybody should be wearing masks.