Cara Schmara
Some time ago I discovered Cara Cara oranges; loved them, so sweet. Then I found that the moniker Cara Cara apparently is applied also to oranges that are not so good. Don't know if the Cara label is being wrongfully applied or if it doesn't actually mean anything. It's disappointing.
If you're an orange fan, has this been true for you?
I have had Cara Cara oranges before, and I have had dishes that supposedly had Cara Cara as an ingredient (e.g., salads). But I have not detected anything special about Cara Cara. It's just not something I deliberately seek out or avoid when it comes to oranges. :man-shrugging:
The last couple of years I have been eating sumo oranges. They look like mandarin oranges on steroids. They are supposedly bred for sweetness, and boy do you pay for it. I think 3 of them can run you $10. I justify it by saying 'it's only around for a short while'. 2 months or so. If your grocery has them, you should give them a try. Much sweeter than Cara Cara.