Forget Taiwan
wrote on 25 Oct 2022, 11:54 last edited by
wrote on 25 Oct 2022, 11:59 last edited by
Hope springs eternal, LOL:
"Along with vast amounts of open space, Asian Russia is resource-rich, capable of fueling China’s rise for decades to come. And with climate change, Asian Russia’s bleak eastern lands may yet bloom, transforming into a much-needed Asian breadbasket."
But, an interesting piece. Basically, it's saying "Why bother with Taiwan. The real good stuff is to the West." However, if, as people have been claiming, China is on the precipice of a decline, I wonder how much truth there is in this speculation.
wrote on 25 Oct 2022, 12:06 last edited by Jolly
Good question.
Although wars can ramp up economies...
wrote on 25 Oct 2022, 12:09 last edited by
wrote on 25 Oct 2022, 13:09 last edited by
@Jolly said in Forget Taiwan:
There are bigger fish available...
Makes no sense. If the CCP wants access to natural resources, it would be easier for them to cut deals (and these can be secret deals) that are advantageous to China with Putin while Putin is weak and desperately needing support, rather than to militarily confront Russia. If Putin can partially mobilize Russians for its little Ukraine excursion, Putin will fully mobilize Russians for defending mother Russia from a bona fide foreign invasion (that will likely have the support of the Russian people too). It may be a wet dream for the free world to have these two formerly communistic and now autocratic regimes spin their wheels on grinding each other down, but I doubt neither is this stupid.