I find it very hard to muster any sympathy.
Good-bye, good riddance and may God have Mercy on your soul.
Years ago, we had a toddler come in with two broken arms. Child was severely malnourished. X-rays showed multiple old fractures. Child had cigarette burns on its arms, legs and the top of its head.
The child couldn't even cry. It mewled like a sick cat. I've seen stuff that would give a lot of our more tender souls on this board nightmares for the rest of your life, but that child was the most pitiful thing I'd ever seen. (Of course, folks like Ax would have performed a post-partum abortion, since the child was obviously unwanted. After all, what's a few months in the scheme of life?)
The mother had allowed the boyfriend (don't know if he was the baby-daddy) to do this to her child. For all I know, she helped.
For the two adults, I would have all the mercy of a sheepdog eyeing a wolf with three broken legs. It's not a question of where you bite them, but just how long you shake them, until you're satisfied.
Evil is real. The Devil stalks the earth every day in cloven hooves, but so many either worship what he does or deny his existence. Maybe it's a as obvious as the Russian torture chambers in Ukraine. Maybe it's barely discernible, cloaked in an argument of "rights" and "tolerance".
Well, folks, some things shouldn't be tolerated. Some "rights" are simply convenient constructs of man, with no usefulness to society and that only promote strife. These things should not be tolerated.
Discrimination is not a bad word. Man should discriminate. He should discriminate and choose those things which are good. Good for the individual and good for society.
To do otherwise creates broken societies.