Joee decapitates China's semiconductor industry
Should be interesting how this ends up. China will try and "reverse engineer" the technology but will still be a couple of generations behind.
I have a friend who is involved in a "hi tech" industry and he told me that they will only sell into China technology that is a generation (or more) old, as they know that China will try and copy and then sell on their own.
Should be interesting how this ends up. China will try and "reverse engineer" the technology but will still be a couple of generations behind.
I have a friend who is involved in a "hi tech" industry and he told me that they will only sell into China technology that is a generation (or more) old, as they know that China will try and copy and then sell on their own.
@taiwan_girl said in Joee decapitates China's semiconductor industry:
China will try and "reverse engineer" the technology
You misspelled "steal."