Leaving Chicago
Yeah, I used to spend a lot of time in the city - running along the lakefront early in the morning and sometimes very late at night. My wife is on faculty at the University of Illinois in the Department of Urology - and there are crime problems every day - parking garage or just in broad daylight. I have some friends who live on the gold coast of Chicago - what was one of the safest neighborhoods in the city - up until recently, but now, there are no safe places in the city. They're planning their exit as people with means can choose to not put themselves at an unnecessary risk.
It seems that the young bands of criminals will target businesses or just people at a specific location and rob and then dissolve the group to avoid detection. Much of the problem comes from our local State's Attorney who seems to have a very lenient way of looking at things. There are no consequences. As long as you don't kill someone, you're good - and if you do kill someone, chances are you won't be found.