Buddy of mine tried to get in the farm-to-table business with quail and pheasants. The quail sold, but not enough people down here know what in the sugar a pheasant is, so sales were very slow on those.
Finally, feed bills and frustration set in on the pheasant flock, so he turned them all out to fend for themselves. The coyotes and bobcats had a ball, but there were so many of them scattered out in the woods, we saw pheasants for years afterwards.
Never eaten a pheasant. Wouldn't even know the best way to cook it.
Quail, OTOH...Line 'em up and keep 'em comin'. I do like quail. I had an old aunt - God rest her soul, she's been gone for years - that could make the best quail and dressing you ever had. used to make that cornbread dressing with mayo, among other things.
Never eaten a pheasant. Wouldn't even know the best way to cook it.
Quail, OTOH...Line 'em up and keep 'em comin'. I do like quail. I had an old aunt - God rest her soul, she's been gone for years - that could make the best quail and dressing you ever had. used to make that cornbread dressing with mayo, among other things.
Never eaten a pheasant. Wouldn't even know the best way to cook it.
Quail, OTOH...Line 'em up and keep 'em comin'. I do like quail. I had an old aunt - God rest her soul, she's been gone for years - that could make the best quail and dressing you ever had. used to make that cornbread dressing with mayo, among other things.
As a boy dad took us quail hunting every year -- lots of quail in the Arizona desert, and always a treat when mom would cook up a couple of dozen for the family.
We have very few wild quail left. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we don't have all the small farms like we used to or maybe the coyotes have eaten them. Or maybe the fire ants have done away with them.
Regardless, it's not worth even keeping a bird dog, anymore.
Before I graced the world with my advent (IOW, before I was born), my parents and his parents organized a splendid feast featuring roast pheasant. Everyone was salivating. They weren't rich, and this was a big treat. The table was ready. Before everyone sat down and were 0ut of the room Duke, Dad's English setter, went paws up and snagged the bird and dragged it down to the floor and ate it.
Much hullabaloo.
That exhausts my pheasant stories.