Ax’s lame movie recos and cool YT picks
One of the best film ever created, IMO:
Link to videoYeah, it’s animated; but even if it’s life action, the emotion, the plot, the story telling, the direction, the cinematography, the dialogue, the action design, the background music … every aspect is top notch.
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For sure computer aided manufacturing is used, still amazes me how much hand-crafting is needed to make the final product.
Same piece, performed by two different orchestras. Beautiful composition, sonorous orchestration. But comparing the two recordings, this is my impression:
The first one is the better orchestra, generally more seasoned musicians, but it sounds like they have not put in enough rehearsal time to tighten things down.
The second one sounds like it has put in more rehearsal time, but it still shows that the orchestra/musicians are not as skilled/seasoned as the first one.
The music deserves the first orchestra's caliber with the second orchestra's rehearsal time.
Weird houses, unusual living.
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You can feel free to skip over the commentary and just watch the actions.
That was quite cool
Knight Rider theme musicology:
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I admire the talent in the above, but still didn't really like it.
Dance Theater: “Wing Chun”
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Vintage Wang, Yuja.
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Took about 3 minutes to get interesting, which is less time than the actual piece takes to get interesting.
I was wondering how he'd handle the key change at the end...He cheated!
Well executed.
When China does SciFi …
Link to videoThey are probably 15 years behind. Feels like a Resident Evil move from ~15 years ago.
Sharktopus, China‘s version:
Link to videoThe CGI is actually quite good. Quite often they show the “whole creature” rather than just “parts of creature” as the Western, older versions of this type of movies usually do.
Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial
An Ultraman movie circa 2010. It’s in Japanese, but you don’t need to understand the dialogue to follow the story.
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