Ax’s lame movie recos and cool YT picks
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The 13 styles:
- Litefeet
- Shuffling
- Breaking
- Robot
- Krump
- Dancehall
- Bhanga
- Ballet
- Waving
- Vogue
- Amapiano (South African)
- Waacking / Whacking
- Locking
This channel do “mash ups” of old tv/movie theme music, mostly from the 80s/90s, thsee are just a couple of examples:
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Wing Chun / Ip Man with guns:
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I strongly suspects she resorted to unconventional tunings for this arrangement; still, a great showcase of her talent and skill.
Koi Fish Dance
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Harry Potter as telenovela/soap opera. AI-generated, of course.
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Too bad no dance number; AI not there yet.Harry Potter as Western:
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The music is good! -
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J. N. Hummel, piano sonata #6, Op. 106.
Not a composer I am familiar with (this may be the first time I come across his work), but I am glad I stumbled upon this one.
Stylistically he reminds me mainly of Beethoven, with occasions of Chopin’s innovative pianistic flare (can you tell that I’m impressed yet?), and additionally interesting to me because it’s not already frequently performed/heard like Beethoven or Chopin.
He was a contemporary of Beethoven, and a student of Mozart, Haydn and Salieri.
Hummel's trumpet concerto is well-known.
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The YouTube
Link to videoGodalgorithm has been good to me tonight.Also fun, especially for EE geeks.
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