Nobel Prize: "Spooky" explained
The trio won for their experiments with what’s known as entanglement – a mind-boggling phenomenon when two particles behave as one and affect each other, even though they can be at a vast distance to one another – on opposite sides of the planet or even the solar system.
It’s been one of the most debated elements of quantum mechanics and was memorably described by particle physicist Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.”
Decades after Einstein’s death, experiments by the three physicists showed that quantum entanglement was real, not just theoretical, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said the work of the trio “has laid the foundation for a new era of quantum technology.”
Aspect, Clauser and Zeilinger were born in France, California and Austria respectively. Their discoveries have added to and furthered the work of John Stewart Bell, whose theorem changed the scientific world’s understanding of quantum mechanics.
“I’m still kind of shocked but it’s a very positive shock. I was actually very surprised,” Zeilinger, a professor at University of Vienna, Austria, told journalists in Stockholm shortly after hearing he’d won the prize.
The winners’ work confirmed that “quantum mechanics actually has utility in real world applications,” Michael Moloney, CEO of the American Institute of Physics, told CNN.
“It’s not just this theory to explain all the counterintuitive nature of the quantum world. It showed that by measuring some of the predictions we can engage in applications like quantum computing and quantum cryptography.”
Moloney said the trio’s discoveries are “potentially going to change our world in terms of really practical things, like being able to do quantum computing; solutions that will help us with everything from vaccines, to tech, to weather prediction.”
“That these two particles are entangled in a way that, no matter how distant they are from each other, making a measurement on one determines the measurement on the other. That sort of blows your mind as a physicist,” said Maloney.
“So 100 years ago or so, when Einstein came up with this, it was really like … this just doesn’t make sense. The speed of light is, you know, is the classical limit so how can they do this? So that’s what they were struggling with for a long time.”
The phenomenon could allow the secure transfer of information across huge distances between quantum computers using the features of entanglement – a process that Zeilinger described as “quantum teleportation.”
Despite the science fiction connotations, he dismissed the idea of teleporting people.
That story contains no explanation of the information teleportation. Only a claim it was observed and proven. I wonder if an explanation theory exists?
@Horace said in Nobel Prize: "Spooky" explained:
I wonder if an explanation theory exists?
I was thinking the same thing. They say it is real, but I do not see how the proof is.