Getting it SO wrong
@Mik That just triggered something with me.
Somewhere around grade 7 I started buying 45s & records .. & one being “Band on the Run”. I loved that song. We all did. It was a song played at school dances, a “slow dance” song. Mom had huge issues with me (the 1st born) attending these dances. I was forbidden to do so for the longest time. I protested & pouted loudly of it. But I remember saving & buying that record & playing it often on a record player my auntie bought us. One day while playing it, mom tore into a rampage, spieling off similar words as in the article you posted about Paul McCartney & the Beatles. I remember saying ..“But he was a Beatle. You don’t like the Beatles??!! Isn’t that what you & Aunt Mary listened to?” Mom said “No..& I hate Ed Sullivan”. I was confused because I’d never heard of Ed Sullivan. Anyway, asking Aunt Mary of it, she said something like, “Oh never mind your mom, she just doesn’t want you growing up too soon.” I was left thinking, “What does that mean? Anyway, fast forward a few years, my brother & I both saving-buying our first real stereos for our bedrooms .. we both made sure we bought the kind where we could hook in headphones with long cords. And those headphones became lifelines .. our freedom from tyranny as far as mom & her rants were concerned. We could tune out & zone in .. the music being so awesome. -
@Mik That just triggered something with me.
Somewhere around grade 7 I started buying 45s & records .. & one being “Band on the Run”. I loved that song. We all did. It was a song played at school dances, a “slow dance” song. Mom had huge issues with me (the 1st born) attending these dances. I was forbidden to do so for the longest time. I protested & pouted loudly of it. But I remember saving & buying that record & playing it often on a record player my auntie bought us. One day while playing it, mom tore into a rampage, spieling off similar words as in the article you posted about Paul McCartney & the Beatles. I remember saying ..“But he was a Beatle. You don’t like the Beatles??!! Isn’t that what you & Aunt Mary listened to?” Mom said “No..& I hate Ed Sullivan”. I was confused because I’d never heard of Ed Sullivan. Anyway, asking Aunt Mary of it, she said something like, “Oh never mind your mom, she just doesn’t want you growing up too soon.” I was left thinking, “What does that mean? Anyway, fast forward a few years, my brother & I both saving-buying our first real stereos for our bedrooms .. we both made sure we bought the kind where we could hook in headphones with long cords. And those headphones became lifelines .. our freedom from tyranny as far as mom & her rants were concerned. We could tune out & zone in .. the music being so awesome.@blondie Great story.
I think that since the cavemen, older generations think that the younger ones are on the road to h*ll. LOL
I know this is not 100% true, but I think that the human brain doesn't really want to accept new music culture after about the age of 30. For most people, their musical tastes (especially "pop" music) get fixed between the ages of 13-25.