This evening I discovered the wonderfulness of trekking poles. I am very excited. With trekking poles I can walk a whole lot easier! (Also found some great-looking mobility exercises. They're for men, but I don't see a problem. Today was a good day!)
This made me wonder if maybe trekking is in my future. Have any of you trekked ever? What's it like?
I actually thought trekking and hiking were the same thing. :woman-shrugging:
If I am off the street, I will use them. I like poles by Leki - currently have the Leki Cristallo. I am like most people - I get comfortable with a certain brand of pols and continue to go back to them. Customer service has always been good from Leki, usually replacing damaged/broken parts free of charge.
I have no evidence or data, but I think that using pols gives an X% increase in efficients. Not sure what that % is, but I think it is about 5%. I can tell that I can walk farther or with less effort when using poles.
I didn't know there was a difference between man/woman pols. They are adjustable to your height so should work for either sex. Another shrug. LOL
Some people I know use a rubber tip on their pols for street walking.
Thanks, TG. I actually thought of you after I posted the above. I remembered you posted here about your hikes.
From my tiny bit of reading, I gather a trek is a long hike.
Maybe you'd find this article interesting. -
Thanks, TG. I actually thought of you after I posted the above. I remembered you posted here about your hikes.
From my tiny bit of reading, I gather a trek is a long hike.
Maybe you'd find this article interesting. Thanks for the article link!!