How Can I Bear It?
Every now and then I try again to install a picture avatar where the boring letter C has been all these years -- hoping I've advanced enough in computer knowhow to figure it out. But tonight turned out the same as always -- zilch. Found my avatar but it doesn't want to come with.
George explained how to do it a long time ago, but I didn't understand his instructions. I've been too embarrassed to ask again. I'm still embarrassed, but I hate that boring letter C more.
Can someone help me with this? It can't be that difficult, even for me!
Much TIA.
Click on your "non avatar" in the upper right hand side of your browser:
Click on "Edit Profile."
Click on "Change Picture."
Click on "upload picture" being sure that it's not too large. I think you can paste a url for the picture, but I've never tried that.
Click on your "non avatar" in the upper right hand side of your browser:
Click on "Edit Profile."
Click on "Change Picture."
Click on "upload picture" being sure that it's not too large. I think you can paste a url for the picture, but I've never tried that.
It's at your last diagram (the one labeled "Change Picture") that I hit a wall. I can't get anything to appear in the Change Picture bar, and when I enter the whole URL from the site where my avatar is in the Change Picture With URL, nothing appears but I get a new popup that tells me to Crop Picture. When I click on the crop options, nothing happens. And I'm stuck there.Wait, let me try something else. Back soon.
It's at your last diagram (the one labeled "Change Picture") that I hit a wall. I can't get anything to appear in the Change Picture bar, and when I enter the whole URL from the site where my avatar is in the Change Picture With URL, nothing appears but I get a new popup that tells me to Crop Picture. When I click on the crop options, nothing happens. And I'm stuck there.Wait, let me try something else. Back soon.
Don't click on the crop options. Just drag the blue square's borders to where you want to picture to be.
You have no idea how amusing I found this whole thing. Because that is exactly me.
I told my husband "George made it so easy even I could follow it. Until I get to the last panel."
And then you (Cats) pop in with the same exact problem.
Haha!Anyway, good luck changing your avatar Cats.
You have no idea how amusing I found this whole thing. Because that is exactly me.
I told my husband "George made it so easy even I could follow it. Until I get to the last panel."
And then you (Cats) pop in with the same exact problem.
Haha!Anyway, good luck changing your avatar Cats.
@Klaus said in How Can I Bear It?:
is this better?
No-o-o-o! I appreciate your doing this, but I don't want the world to think of me when they see that sad sack!
Can I prevail upon you to do your magic again, only with this pic?
I got that picture from
It's okay if it needs cropping.
If you can do this, I will love you forever and tell anybody who asked that you are the best moderator in the whole world! Which I would anyway, but this way I'd tell them twice!
@Klaus said in How Can I Bear It?:
is this better?
No-o-o-o! I appreciate your doing this, but I don't want the world to think of me when they see that sad sack!
Can I prevail upon you to do your magic again, only with this pic?
I got that picture from
It's okay if it needs cropping.
If you can do this, I will love you forever and tell anybody who asked that you are the best moderator in the whole world! Which I would anyway, but this way I'd tell them twice!
@Catseye3 FINALLY! After these (what?) two years, I was able to use my super-duper moderator power for something useful!
@Mik said in How Can I Bear It?:
Especially since Brady is about to be shown why he should have stayed in retirement.
I feel bad for them both. I'm hoping they can resolve this. But the sports media are sort of acting like they're smelling blood in the water.
I feel bad for them both, because they can't both have what they want. Even if they do resolve it, one of them will be unhappy. I think this imbroglio is more Brady's doing, though. His retirement was an act of impulse which he came to regret; Giselle was patient for many years, and he finally gives her what she wants and then takes it away again. That had to be hard to take.
What complicates it even more: Even if Brady agrees to re-retire, how can he leave the Bucs??? He can't! Giselle would have to extend her support for another season . . . I think that's the best solution. If she would.
George, thanks to you and Klaus for rescuing me from the drab dreariness of the anon letter avatar.
I've arrived! I'm stylish now! Smootches!
@Catseye3 said in How Can I Bear It?:
George, thanks to you and Klaus for rescuing me from the drab dreariness of the anon letter avatar.
You're more than welcome. I didn't know, until Klaus stepped in, that changing someone's avatar was part of my sooper-dooper moderator powerz.
Who knows what kind of havoc I can wreak going forward.
@Catseye3 said in How Can I Bear It?:
George, thanks to you and Klaus for rescuing me from the drab dreariness of the anon letter avatar.
You're more than welcome. I didn't know, until Klaus stepped in, that changing someone's avatar was part of my sooper-dooper moderator powerz.
Who knows what kind of havoc I can wreak going forward.