Voting on a New Constitution — Chile
The current Chilean Constitution was adopted under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. In 2019 the people of Chile embarked on a process to draft a new Constitution with elected representatives. Today (2022 Sep. 4) is when they vote to either accept or reject the new Constitution, one that reportedly has 388 articles.
Reuters’ explainer for what’s in the new Constitution:
Seen on a blog:
There’s an old joke that French libraries filed their nation’s constitutions under “Periodicals.” I also recall Walter Berns once telling me the story of a visit he took to South America—it was either Argentina or Chile, I don’t recall which country he specified—where one of his academic hosts dismissed the American Constitution with the comment, “You’ve only had one constitution, while we’ve had lots of them.”
Saw this. Dont think it will happen however.