Those millennials are pretty smart shoppers
Among many other things, they are not buying lottery tickets.
Math literacy FTW.
Lot of stuff to unpack in that link.
Some of the stuff is just the fashion of the moment or of the generation, not to be repeated in a subsequent generation. Some of the trends among Millennials are actually good things or just an adaptation to technology.
But some things worry me a bit.
The phone time. Millennials live on the damn things. It rewires the brain. It hurts in-person social skills. It causes too much communication on one hand (ever play a round of golf with a Millennial and have people constantly texting and calling him?) and hurts it at other times (how often have you seen a couple at a restaurant and both have their heads buried in their phones?)
Finances. Too much debt. Too little emphasis on owning a home. No concept of sweat labor for many. Not nearly enough money put away for retirement, especially at an early age...I see mandated government IRA's in their future.
Children. Too few, too late. I understand much of the problem is driven by finances, but it can be done. I know a young couple that owns their own home, have four children spaced about two years apart (so that had to be conscious decision) and mom became a SAHM when the third baby arrived. The couple are about 35. They had their first child somewhere around 23 or 24. By vocation, she worked in the office for a local guy who owns three or four Ace Hardware stores. The husband is a plumber.
Church. I believe organized religion can have a very beneficial place in life. It reminds one there are things bigger and more important than you. It gives structure to life and ritual. It emphasizes the good. And it brings a social component to life...The best churches are almost like extended family.
Among many other things, they are not buying lottery tickets.
Math literacy FTW.
@Mik said in Those millennials are pretty smart shoppers:
Lots of very encouraging things in there.
The younger generations seem more value conscious, in the "bang for the buck" sense as well as in the ethics and philosophical sense, more pragmatic and more efficient than previous generations
With the exceptions of (1) them do not procreate enough and (2) student debts, the younger generations of the human race are carrying themselves just fine.
Well, without procreation, they won't have to worry about any of the rest of that list, will they?