Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 01:27 last edited by
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 01:54 last edited by
Fox didn’t cover it
It didn’t happen
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 11:27 last edited by
@jon-nyc said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
This is a reasonable take.
Yes, it is. So much for Biden uniting the nation. Not that that was a reasonable expectation anyway.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 11:32 last edited by
I'm never sure where Ann Althouse: lies on the political spectrum. But she can be counted on the cut through the bullshit.
"I've been thinking about the principle expounded in these 2 cases (at the link) — "the people should choose whom they please to govern them" — in the context of the present-day effort to exercise governmental power to disqualify Donald Trump as a candidate for President.
Please consider this post a continuation of yesterday's post — "[The spectacle of a former president facing criminal investigation raises profound questions about American democracy](link url)" — where I said: "The urgency to stop Trump feels like a mistrust of the people. The deplorable subsection of America shouldn't have elected him the first time — so goes the elite opinion — and we can't let those people have another chance to give this man power. That's anti-democratic, and yet isn't it why the oligarchy presents itself as serving democracy?"
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 11:33 last edited by
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 12:00 last edited by
Here's the short version of his speech:
Link to video -
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 12:06 last edited by jon-nyc 9 Feb 2022, 12:07
Meh. I really think it’s just politics - trying to make the election about Trump and his delusionsal whining about 2020.
In a sense Trump has already been doing this, to the horror of many other republicans who want to run on inflation, schools etc.
Meh. I really think it’s just politics - trying to make the election about Trump and his delusionsal whining about 2020.
In a sense Trump has already been doing this, to the horror of many other republicans who want to run on inflation, schools etc.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 12:25 last edited by
Standard good vs evil rhetoric.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 12:34 last edited by
My bigger issue is his campaigning at official Presidential events.
My bigger issue is his campaigning at official Presidential events.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 12:41 last edited by@LuFins-Dad said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
My bigger issue is his campaigning at official Presidential events.
Yes, but Biden is hardly unique in that regard.
@LuFins-Dad said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
My bigger issue is his campaigning at official Presidential events.
Yes, but Biden is hardly unique in that regard.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 14:26 last edited by@George-K said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
@LuFins-Dad said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
My bigger issue is his campaigning at official Presidential events.
Yes, but Biden is hardly unique in that regard.
Yeah, but he crossed a pretty big line in PA with the Marine Corps Band.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 14:27 last edited by
All y'all are missing the point.
Your biggest concern should be the extremism, as represented by Trump and the MAGA Republicans, that threatens the democratic norm and the very foundations of our republic. -
All y'all are missing the point.
Your biggest concern should be the extremism, as represented by Trump and the MAGA Republicans, that threatens the democratic norm and the very foundations of our republic.wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 14:33 last edited by@Axtremus said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
All y'all are missing the point.
Your biggest concern should be the extremism, as represented byTrump and the MAGA Republicansprogressive yahoos, that threatens the democratic norm and the very foundations of our republic.FIFY
All y'all are missing the point.
Your biggest concern should be the extremism, as represented by Trump and the MAGA Republicans, that threatens the democratic norm and the very foundations of our republic.wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 16:39 last edited by@Axtremus said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
All y'all are missing the point.
Your biggest concern should be the extremism, as represented by Trump and the MAGA Republicans, that threatens the democratic norm and the very foundations of our republic.Oh, I think George addressed that eariler in the thread, when he talked about the absolute FEAR some people have at being governed by the will of the people, and the lengths to which they will go to subvert that will.
I hear a lot of horseshit about democracy, until the Left runs into somebody they really don't like.
@Axtremus said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
All y'all are missing the point.
Your biggest concern should be the extremism, as represented by Trump and the MAGA Republicans, that threatens the democratic norm and the very foundations of our republic.Oh, I think George addressed that eariler in the thread, when he talked about the absolute FEAR some people have at being governed by the will of the people, and the lengths to which they will go to subvert that will.
I hear a lot of horseshit about democracy, until the Left runs into somebody they really don't like.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 17:08 last edited by@Jolly said in Biden's Speech on 2022 Sep. 1:
Left runs into somebody they really don't like.
Biden is polling at 38%, so, there's that.
So, the guy in the circle is an extremist.
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 18:32 last edited by
LOL. He forgot what he said 18 hours ago:
Doocy: "Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to the country?"
Biden: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country."
wrote on 2 Sept 2022, 19:06 last edited by
wrote on 7 Sept 2022, 12:16 last edited by
Note that 71% of responding democrats agreed that "It is an acceptable campaign message to be expected in an election year."
"Campaign message" in a purportedly non-political speech.
wrote on 10 Sept 2022, 16:53 last edited by